Important Information about changes to the Funknet

Gregory Ward ward at
Tue Oct 14 03:38:01 UTC 2003

please delete my subscription to ward at; i
will use the new web interface.

gregory ward

> Dear Funknet Subscribers,
> Rice University has recently upgraded to a new system for managing e-mail
> distribution lists.  As of today, L-Soft Listserv has been decommissioned,
> and replaced by the Mailman interface.  Funknet, and all other
> distribution lists hosted at Rice, are now managed via Mailman.
> You may have already noticed that the Funknet messages distributed today
> contain the text [FUNKNET] at the beginning of the 'subject' line, and
> that the list address has changed slightly.  The address to send mail to
> the list is now funknet at  However, all mail sent to the
> old address will continue to be forwarded to the list too.
> One of the advantages of Mailman is that subscribers can now interact with
> the list through a user-friendly web interface, rather than by sending
> e-mail commands to the listserv.  The URL for all things Funknet-related
> is:
> Please bookmark this page!  On this page you can subscribe and unsubscribe
> from the list, view several years of archived Funknet postings, and make
> changes to your subscription options such as receiving mail in a daily
> digest form rather than individual postings.
> If you don't like web interfaces, there still is an email-based interface
> available to Funknet subscribers.  But be aware that the commands are
> different from the way things used to work in Listserv.  To get a list of
> commands for interacting with Mailman, send an e-mail with the single word
> 'help' in the subject line or message body to
> funknet-request at
> Over the next several days, we will be updating links to the new Funknet
> information page.  Please let me know if you come across outdated links to
> Funknet so we can fix them.
> As always, if you have a question about the list, or trouble with Mailman
> or your subscription options, you can contact a human (but don't ask me to
> prove that I really am one!) at:
> funkadmn at
> --Robert Englebretson, Funknet List Administration

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