Call for Papers (9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference)

Jeong-Hwa Lee jeonglee12 at
Sat Apr 17 06:55:38 UTC 2004

Please circulate. I apologize for cross-postings.

	    9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

		Call for Papers

		Call Deadline: 15-Sept-2004 (Theme Session)
     		                   15-Nov-2004 (General/Poster Session)



9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
Yonsei University Seoul KOREA
17-22 July 2005 (Sunday-Friday) (after 1 May 2004)

The International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA) will be holding
its Ninth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC) in Seoul,
Korea on 17-22 July 2005 (Conference Chair: Prof. Hyon-Sook Shin). This is
the first ICLC held in Asia. The conference will include several theme
sessions in addition to general and poster sessions.  For information about
the Association and previous conferences, visit the ICLA website:


A. For General and Poster Sessions:

We solicit abstracts (for 25-minute presentations including discussion)
which address various aspects of cognitive approaches to human language.
Papers on cognitive linguistics, functional linguistics, discourse studies,
corpus linguistics, or language processing will be of particular interest.
However, papers concerning any issues relating cognition and language will
be welcome.

B. Theme Sessions:

Organizers of theme sessions are asked to submit the followings:

(a) A short description of the topic of the session (300-500 words)
(b) A detailed description of the structure of the session:  presentations,
discussions, breaks, etc. (with specific time allotment)
(c) The abstracts of all speakers following the abstract specifications
(d) The names of discussants with contact information

We ask that neither the presentation nor the discussion by a discussant
exceeds 20 minutes.


An abstract should be maximum 500 words (about one page), including examples
and references.  It should specify research questions, approach, method,
data and (expected) results. All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by
three members of a large international panel. Notification of Theme Session
will be made on or before January 15, 2005. And notification of General and
Poster Sessions will be made on or before February 15, 2005

Electronic submissions as attachment (in MS word or PDF format) are strongly
encouraged. We ask each author to restrict their submission to one
single-authored abstract and one co-authored abstract maximum to give
opportunity to more authors within limited time.

The body of e-mail message should include

- author name(s)
- affiliation(s)
- telephone number
- e-mail address
- telephone number
- fax number
- title of paper
- specific area (e.g., subfields of cognitive linguistics, functional
linguistics, discourse studies, etc.)
- three to five keywords
- presenter¡¯s name
- preferred session:

	(a) General Session
	(b) Poster Session
	(c) preferring General Session but willing to do a poster

The abstract should be anonymous. All abstracts should be sent to

park at (Prof. Jeong-Woon Park, Program Committee Chair)

Should you be unable to submit your abstract electronically, send three
high-quality copies of your abstract and a separate page containing the
required information to

Prof. Jeong-Woon Park
English Department, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
270 Imun-Dong Dongdaemun-Gu Seoul 130-791 KOREA


Submission deadline for Theme Sessions: September 15, 2004
Submission deadline for General and Poster Sessions: November 15, 2004
Acceptance notification of Theme Session: January 15, 2005
Acceptance notification of General and Poster Sessions: February 15, 2005

For further information, visit (after 1 May 2004).

Hyon-Sook Shin Ph.D.
Conference Chair
9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference
chair at

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