CSDL-2004 Second Call for Papers

Sally Rice sally.rice at ualberta.ca
Tue Mar 23 20:39:15 UTC 2004

**apologies for multiple postings**

Second Call for Papers


7th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse, and Language
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

8-10 October 2004 (Friday-Sunday)


Now in its 10th year as an international conference, CSDL features
papers in the fields of cognitive linguistics, functional
linguistics, discourse, corpus linguistics, and speech & language
processing, especially among scholars exploring the interface between
language and cognition.

Conference Theme

CSDL-2004 has been organized around the theme of empirical and
experimental methods in CSDL-related research.

Invited Speakers

Larry Barsalou (Psychology, Emory University)
Russ Tomlin (Linguistics, University of Oregon)
Nick Evans (Linguistics & Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne

There will be 50 general session papers in two parallel sessions as
well as 30 poster presentations in two poster sessions, for a total
of 83 presentations.

Information for Authors

Please submit 500-word (maximum) abstracts for 25-minute papers or
poster presentations to csdl2004 at ualberta.ca by 1 May 2004. This
500-word limit includes data. You may include a second sheet for
references. Only electronic submissions will be accepted (please use
PDF format if you must preserve fonts or other images, otherwise MS
Word is the preferred attachment format). The abstracts in your
electronic attachments should include title only as they will be
blind-reviewed. Please include your name, affiliation, title of the
paper, up to 5 key words describing the research, and contact
information including mailing address, phone/fax, and email in the
body of your email message. Because of the prevalence of spam and
viruses hidden in attachments, please put "CSDL-7 abstract" in the
subject line of your email message.

Successful abstracts will seek to address the theme of the conference
(empirical and experimental methods in research on conceptual
structure, discourse, and language) and will feature: (a) a
well-defined research question, (b) clear delineation of the
phenomenon of study, (c) precise methodology, (d) sample data, and
(e) actual or anticipated results. All abstracts will be
peer-reviewed by at least three referees. Notification of acceptance
will be made by 15 June 2004.

We expect that the proceedings of CSDL-2004 will be published by the
Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI). Both paper
and poster presentations will be eligible for submission. Proceedings
of previous CSDL conferences are currently available through CSLI
Publications (see http://cslipublications.stanford.edu/site/CSDL.html
for information).

Information for Students

A small number of travel subsidies (worth approximately $150 CAD) are
available by application (see website for details) to graduate
student presenters residing outside of Alberta. Information about
crash space will be available at a later date.


The early registration fee is $70 CAD (approx. $50 US) for
non-students and $10 CAD for students. An additional $30 fee will
help defray costs of the Conference banquet on Saturday night (9
October 2004). After 1 September, the registration fee for
non-students will rise to $100 CAD. The registration fee for students
and unemployed academics is $10 CAD (the cost of the banquet remains
$30 CAD).


CSDL-2004 will be held at the University of Alberta Conference Centre
(Lister Hall) at 87th Avenue and 116th Street in Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada. The Centre features a limited number of guest rooms. Other
travel, hotel, and ground transportation to follow.

Contact Information

csdl2004 at ualberta.ca
Department of Linguistics
4-34 Assiniboia Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
tel: +780-492-3434
fax: +780-492-0806


Please send comments and questions regarding CSDL-2004 to:

Sally Rice, Linguistics, University of Alberta, sally.rice at ualberta.ca
John Newman, Linguistics, University of Alberta, john.newman at ualberta.ca

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