Call for papers

sylvester.osu sylvester.osu at
Sat Apr 16 10:23:50 UTC 2005

Dear Colleagues,

Below is a call for papers for a conference taking place in Besançon, a very beautiful city in northeastern France.

Apologies for multiple postings.


International Conference
University of Franche-Comté
Besançon, 26-27-28 January 2006


Organizing committe
- Daniel Lebaud, Catherine Paulin, Katja Ploog (UFR SLHS, LASELDI-Idiomes) and Rémy Bôle-Richard (LASELDI) ;

- Serge  Borg (CLA, LASELDI-Idiomes) ;

- Carole Cérignat, Scylia Achèche, Hiroko Noda, Vanessa Parisot-Moulay, Véronica Portillo, Emmanuel Sawadogo, Yoshiko Suto (LASELDI-Idiomes). 



The acquisition of natural languages cannot be dissociated from metalinguistic choices and activities which call for one's awareness of linguistic differences and for the elaboration of grammatical notions that need to be questioned. The comparison of equivalent structural schemata in different languages enables one to highlight differences between languages and to test the linguistic categories used to describe and explain the singular functioning of natural languages. The diversity of the data and the relevance of the categories determine the quality of the conceptualisation. 


The microsyntactic unit around the verb has been the object of many linguistic research studies, under different denominations: valence, actance, predicative schema, predicative structure or relationship, argument structure, theta theory. These research studies have been carried out using different objects of investigation and different theoretical approaches.

The discursive use of verb units mobilizes syntactic, semantic and pragmatic mechanisms, the interdependence of which determines the interpretations that emerge as discourse unfolds.


The papers will allow confrontation between different theoretical frameworks in the field of verb semantics and syntax and will aim at a better understanding of the relations between formal and semantic constraints and pragmatic requirements for the production of meaning. 


The question will be envisaged in different perspectives:

- the variability of the syntactic functions of verb arguments (for example, subject vs. object vs. adjunt) ;

- grammatical paradigms and semantic categories of verb units ;

- the discursive use of arguments : theme, rheme, topicalisation, focalisation. ;

- syntactic variability and syntactic constraints (government).


Participants with different theoretical frameworks (theories of "enunciation", generativism, Guillaumian framework, Lexis-Grammar, etc.) will endeavour to make their papers intelligible to an audience prepared to welcome a variety of theoretical approaches.


Anonymous abstracts (about 500 words) and a short bio-bibliography are to be sent by June, 15th 2005 at the latest to :

Daniel Lebaud : daniel.lebaud at

Catherine Paulin : catherinepaulin at

Katja Ploog : katploog at

Notification of acceptance to the participants : 1st week in September


Scientific committee
Saburo Aoki (Tsukuba University, Japan)

Peter Blumenthal (Köln University, Germany)

Jean-François Bonnot (UFC)

Bernard Caron (LLACAN)

Pierre Cotte (Paris IV) 

William Croft (Manchester University, United Kingdom)

Claude Delmas (Paris III)

Geneviève Girard (Paris III)

Jacqueline Guéron (Paris III)

Daniel Lebaud (UFC)

Maarten Lemmens (Lille III)

Philippe Miller (Lille III)

Claudine Normand (Paris X-Nanterre)

Kazuro Oguma (Seinan Daigaku University, Japan)

Wulf Oesterreicher (Munich University, Germany)

Sylvester Osu (Tours University)

Denis Paillard (CNRS)

Catherine Paulin (UFC)

Katja Ploog (UFC)

Claus Pusch (Friburg University, Germany)

Nigel Quayle (Lille III, Ecole Centrale)igel Quayle

Uli Reich (Köln University, Germany)

Sylvain Vogel (URPP, Cambodia)

Sarah de Voguë (Paris X-Nanterre)

Anne Zribi-Hertz (Paris VIII-Vincennes)



FAITS DE LANGUES n° 17 (2001) Coréen-japonais, sous la direction de Raoul Blin et Irène Tamba,  Ophrys.

FAITS DE LANGUES n° 23-24 (2004) Les langues austronésiennes, sous la direction d'Elizabeth Zeitoun, Ophrys.

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AOKI, Saburo (2001) La catégorie de la déférence en japonais, Faits de Langues, 17, Ophrys, pp.131-136.

BLUMENTHAL, Peter et KOCH, Peter (éd.) (2003) Valence : perspectives allemandes, Caen, PU de Caen.

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BONNOT, Jean-François (dir.) (1995) Paroles régionales : normes, variétés linguistiques et contexte social, Strasbourg, PU de Strasbourg.

BOSSONG, Georg (1998) Le marquage différentiel de l'objet dans les langues d'Europe ;  actancielle des langues romanes, in: Jack Feuillet (ed.), Actance et valence, Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter [EALT EUROTYP 20-2], 193-258 ; 259-294 ; 769-788.

CARON, Bernard (éd.) (2000) Topicalisation et focalisation dans les langues africaines, Paris, Louvain, Peeters.

COTTE, Pierre (éd.) (1999) Langage et linéarité, Villeneuve d'Ascq, Septentrion.

CROFT, William (2001) Radical Construction Grammar, Oxford. Oxford University Press.

DELMAS, Claude (2004) Incomplétude, complétude et impératif, Cercles 9 (

DELMAS, Claude (1998) Lexique et grammaire du « manque » en anglais, Recherches en Linguistique Etrangère XIX, Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté.

DELMAS, Claude et ROUX, Louis (éd.) (2002) Construire et reconstruire en linguistique anglaise, Saint-Etienne, Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne.

DIK, Simon Cornelis (1997) The Theory of Functional Grammar, Berlin , de Gruyter (2e édition révisée).

FRIES, P.H. & HASAN, R. (eds.) (1999) On Subject and Theme. A discourse functional perspective, Amsterdam / Philadelphia, John Benjamins.

FRANCKEL, Jean-Jacques et LEBAUD, Daniel (1990) Les figures du sujet, Gap, Ophrys.

                         GIRARD, Geneviève (2004) La notion de sujet et la notion de complément, Cercles 9 (

                         GIRARD, Geneviève (2003a) Identification, localisation, attribution d'une propriété : analyse des structures there's an oddnessto the room et she had a timid side to her, Cycnos, 21-1 (

                         GIRARD, Geneviève (2003b) la notion de sujet : une notion à définir, Faits de langue, Actes du colloque de l'Université de Provence des 27 et 28 septembre 2001, Jean-Marie Merle (coordinateur).

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GUERON, Jacqueline & Jacqueline LECARME (éd.) (2004) The Syntax of Time, MIT Press.

HARRIS, Zellig S. (1988) Language and Information, New York, Columbia University Press.

HASPELMATH, Martin, KÖNIG, Ekkehard et OESTERREICHER, Wulf (éds.) (2001) Language typology and language universals, Berlin, New York, W. de Gruyter.

JACOB, Daniel (1990) Markierung von Aktantenfunktionen und «Prädetermination» im  Französischen. Ein Beitrag zur Neuinterpretation morphosyntaktischer Strukturen in der französischen Umgangssprache, Tübingen, Niemeyer (Beihefte  zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 231).

LAMBRECHT, Knud (1994) Information structure and sentence form. Topic, focus and the mental reprensentations of discourse referents, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (coll. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics n°71).

LAZARD, Gilbert (1994) L'actance, Paris, PUF.

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LEMMENS, Maarten (1998) Lexical perspectives on transitivity and ergativity : causative constructions in English, Amsterdam, Philadelphia, J. Benjamins.

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MILLER, Philip et ZRIBI-HERTZ, Anne (2003) Essais sur la grammaire comparée du français et de l'anglais, PU de Vincennes.

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QUAYLE, Nigel (2003) Sujet et support dans les phrases existentielles en anglais : essai d'analyse psychomécanique, Faits de langue, Actes du colloque de l'Université de Provence des 27 et 28 septembre 2001, Jean-Marie Merle (coordinateur).

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