Kupferberg, Green: Troubled Talk

Julia Ulrich Julia.Ulrich at degruyter.com
Wed Jun 29 11:31:16 UTC 2005



Irit Kupferberg and David Green


Troubled Talk

Metaphorical Negotiation in Problem Discourse


2005. xiii, 221 pages. 

Cloth. EUR 84.00 / sFr 134.00 / for USA, Canada, Mexico: US$ 84.00

ISBN 3-11-018415-X


Paperback. EUR 32.95 / sFr 53.00 / *US$ 32.95

ISBN 3-11-018416-8

(Language, Power and Social Process 15)


Language of publication: English

Date of publication: 06/2005




How is meaning constructed discursively by participants in problem
discourse? To which discursive resources do they resort in order to
accomplish their complicated tasks of problem presentation and
negotiation of possible solutions? To what extent are these resources
related to the interactional and meaningful construction of problems and


Irit Kupferberg and David Green - a discourse analyst and a clinical
psychologist - have explored naturally-occurring media, hotline, and
cyber troubled discourse in a quest for answers. Inspired by a
constructivist-interpretive theoretical framework grounded in linguistic
anthropology, conversation analysis, narrative inquiry, and clinical
psychology as well as their professional experience, the authors put
forward three novel claims that are illustrated by 70 attention-holding
examples. First, sufferers often present their troubles through detailed
narrative discourse as well as succinct story-internal tropes such as
metaphors and similes - discursive resources that constitute two
interrelated versions of the troubled self. Particularly interesting are
the intriguing figurative constructions produced in acute emotional
states or at crucial discursive junctions. Second, such figurative
constructions often 'lubricate' the interactive negotiation of
solutions. Third, when the figurative and narrative resources of
self-construction are employed in the public arena they are used and
sometimes abused by the media representatives, depending on a plethora
of contextual resources identified in this book.


Irit Kupferberg is Associate Professor at Levinsky College, Tel Aviv,
Israel. David Green is Head of the Green Institute for Advanced
Psychology, Tel Aviv, Israel. 


Of interest to: Researchers, pre- and post-qualifying Practitioners, and
Students at the graduate and postgraduate Levels in the following
Domains: Linguistics (Cognitive and Functional), Discourse Analysis,
Communication, Psychology, Psychiatry, Social Work, Counseling, and





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