searching for metonymy in literature

Jo Rubba jrubba at
Tue Mar 29 05:16:14 UTC 2005

Hi, here I am to pick brains again ...

I'm teaching a course in cognitive stylistics this term and I am looking
for (short) pieces of literature which use metonymy in more than just
the occasional example -- pieces in which it is a major vehicle for
focus, assigning or shifting credit or blame, etc. Music lyrics, bits of
movies, etc. would also do.

I can get plenty of examples from nonliterary prose, but it would be
nice to have some literary/art ones.

Thanks in advance; will share results.

Johanna Rubba, Associate Professor, Linguistics
English Department, Cal Poly State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Tel. 805-756-2184 ~ Dept. phone 805-756-2596
Dept. fax: 805-756-6374 ~  E-mail: jrubba at			

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