position announcement

Noriko Fujii fujiin at uoregon.edu
Tue Nov 15 05:14:10 UTC 2005


Assistant Professor of Japanese Linguistics

The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the 
University of Oregon seeks a linguist specializing in second 
language acquisition of Japanese.  All areas of research 
specialization will be considered.  A research interest and an 
ability to teach courses in Second Language Teaching are also 
desirable.  Candidates should be prepared to offer graduate courses 
in these areas and undergraduate courses, and to contribute to the 
development of the graduate programs in Japanese Language and
Pedagogy.  Candidates with a secondary specialty in Korean language
instruction are especially invited to apply.  Required are a Ph.D. 
in (Japanese) Linguistics or a related field and native or near 
native fluency in Japanese and English.  Priority will be given to 
candidates with demonstrated excellence in teaching and originality 
of research.  To apply, please send a statement of research and 
teaching interests, a CV, threeletters of recommendation and a 
research sample to:  Japanese Linguistics Search Committee, 
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, 1248
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR  97403-1248.  Applications will be 
reviewed from January 1, 2006 until the position is filled.  AA/EO/
ADA Employer committed to cultural diversity.

Noriko Fujii
Dept. of East Asian Langs. & Lits.
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR  97403
TEL: (541) 346-4004
FAX: (541) 346-0260

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