The First Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (second call for papers)

Costas Gabrielatos c.gabrielatos at
Tue Apr 11 11:11:01 UTC 2006

The First Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in
Linguistics and Language Teaching

Saturday, 15 July 2006, Lancaster, United Kingdom


The first Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in
Linguistics and Language Teaching aims to offer the opportunity
for postgraduate students from various areas in linguistics and
language teaching /assessment to come together to present papers
related to their research and to exchange ideas.  We are pleased
to announce Professor Geoffrey Leech and Professor Paul Kerswill
as the inaugural keynote speakers.  Postgraduate students are
invited to submit abstracts for oral or poster presentations on
any topic related  to their research. Papers are to be 20 minutes
in length plus 10 minutes for comments and questions.


Abstracts must be received by 30 April 2006. 
Authors will be notified by 21 May 2006. 
Please send your abstracts to pgconference2006 at 

Abstracts should between 300 – 400 words and should be submitted
via e-mail attachments (Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format

Abstracts should include: 
1.	The title of the paper 
2.	A list of 3 -6 key words describing the area and focus
3.	The research focus 
4.	The research methodology
5.	A brief summary of findings (if applicable)
6.	A short list of key references

Abstracts should not include the author’s name or any other
identifying information. 

The e-mail message accompanying the abstract should contain the
following information:  1.  The title and preferred presentation
type (oral or poster)  2.  The name(s) of the author(s)  and
their affiliation(s) 
 3.  The author’s e-mail address and contact details
 4.  Audiovisual equipment required (if any)


We plan to publish accepted papers in the online LAEL2006
proceedings. Presenters who would like their papers included in
the proceedings need to submit them by 15 September 2006.


-- £6 for registration by 31 May 2006. 
-- £10 for registration after 31 May 2006 . 

The registration fee includes refreshments and lunch.
Registration forms are available at the conference website: 

Please complete and mail the form along with payment (by
cheque/postal order made payable to Lancaster University) to:  
             LILY ATANGA
             LAEL PGCONFERENCE 2006
             Department of Linguistics and   
             English Language
             Lancaster University, LA1 4YT 
             United Kingdom
(LAEL students can pay cash to Tina Kosetzi or Zarina Othman at
the department).   

Further details about the conference can be found at the
conference website:

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