UK-Cognitive Linguistics conference, Cardiff

June Luchjenbroers els603 at
Thu Feb 1 11:14:05 UTC 2007


2nd Conference of the UK-Cognitive Linguistics Assoc.
“New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics”
      Cognitive Linguistics, Applied

     August 27-30, 2007

Keynote Speakers:  Lynne Cameron, Seana Coulson, 
   Klaus-Uwe Panther, Chris Sinha, Eve Sweetser, 
   Arie Verhagen

Deadline for abstract submissions: 5th Feb. 2007
Notice of acceptance               April 2007
Early registration deadline        31 July 2007
Conference dates                   27-30 August 2007
Submission of papers for publication (14th January 2007)

SEND abstracts to NDCL-2 at
(* We acknowledge every abstract we receive,
   so if you’ve sent an abstract or message but
   have not received an acknowledgement
   Please send it again?)

For more information about abstract submission, go to
our conference website: 

For more information Please see our newsletter on the
UK-CLA website (click on ‘Read more

See you in Cardiff  
June & Michelle

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