CogniTextes - Inaugural issue now online

Guillaume Desagulier gdesagulier at
Fri Jul 13 19:48:03 UTC 2007

Dear colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce that the inaugural issue of the journal 
CogniTextes has been published online and is available free of charge at


Editorial statement
Maarten Lemmens

The structure of a functional category: German drohen
Bernd Heine & Hiroyuki Miyashita

Être dans tous ses états
Paul Sambre

Le Nom et le Nombre. Entre grammaire cognitive et psychoméchanique du 
Paulo de Carvalho

CogniTextes is the on-line peer-reviewed journal of the Association 
Française de Linguistique Cognitive (AFLiCo). Its ambition is to provide 
a high quality forum of publication for cognitive linguistic research in 
France and abroad.

The editorial committee is now calling for further contributions for the 
next issues. Note that there is still room for one paper in the second 
issue to be published by Fall 2007, providing we receive the submission 
by Sept. 1, 2007. Manuscripts can be either in French or in English and 
should be sent to aflico at Authors are kindly asked to 
conform to the submission guidelines 

On behalf of the editorial committee,

Guillaume Desagulier
   Maître de conférences en linguistique anglaise
   Département d'Etudes des Pays Anglophones
   Université Paris 8
   2, rue de la Liberté - 93526 St Denis
Chargé d'édition de la revue CogniTextes
Membre du PRI Anthropologie et Linguistique (Celith/EHESS)
MoDyCo (Modèles, Dynamiques, Corpus, UMR 7114)

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