Staffing changes and new graduate research money at the University of Alberta

Sally Rice sally.rice at
Wed May 16 21:14:54 UTC 2007


Dear Colleagues,

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Alberta (Canada) 
would like to announce (A) some recent additions to our faculty as 
well as (B) the infusion of new research funding to support 
last-minute graduate student applicants for September 2007 admission.

(A) The following individuals have joined the Department since July 2006:

Dr. Harald Baayen (PhD 1990, U Amsterdam)
	quantificational linguistics, psycholinguistics, corpus linguistics
Dr. Patrick Bolger (PhD 2006, U Arizona)		<pbolger at>
	psycholinguistics, reading comprehension, writing systems
Dr. Anne-Michelle Tessier (PhD 2006, U Mass	<amtessier at>
	phonological theory, child phonology
Dr. Benjamin Tucker (PhD 2007, U Arizona)
	experimental phonetics, psycholinguistics, language documentation

They join:

Dr. David Beck (PhD 2000, U Toronto)		<dbeck at>
	morphosyntax, typology, Amerindian languages, Totonac
Dr. Robert Kirchner (PhD 1998, UCLA)		<kirchner at>
	phonological theory, modeling of speech processing
Dr. Gary Libben (PhD 1987, McGill)		<gary.libben at>
	psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, second language acquisition
Dr. Terry Nadasdi (PhD 1995, U Toronto)		<nadasdi at>
	sociolinguistics, French linguistics
Dr. Terrance Nearey (PhD 1977, U Connecticut)	<t.nearey at>
	experimental phonetics, laboratory phonology
Dr. John Newman (PhD 1981, UCSD)		<john.newman at>
	syntax/semantics, corpus linguistics, Chinese, SE Asian languages
Dr. Johanne Paradis (PhD 1997, McGill)		<johanne.paradis at>
	first and second language acquisition, syntax, SLI
Dr. Sally Rice (PhD 1987, UCSD)			<sally.rice at>
	syntax/semantics, cognitive and corpus linguistics, 
Athapaskan languages

(B) We also have new research funding in place to support up to 5 
additional Master's or PhD students for September 2007 admission on 
research projects related to Athapaskan language studies and English 
corpus linguistics. Our graduate degree programs are oriented toward 
the empirical and experimental study of language.  Much of the 
current faculty research in the department (in no particular order) 
is focused on:

o	psycholinguistics (especially the mental lexicon and 
morphological processing)
o	experimental phonetics/laboratory phonology
o	language documentation (especially indigenous languages of 
the Americas)
o	corpus linguistics
o	syntax/semantics from a cognitive, functional, or typological 
o	language representation and processing in bilingual children & adults

The Department runs the Centre for Comparative Psycholinguistics and 
is a partial home to CILLDI, the Canadian Indigenous Languages and 
Literacy Development Institute. The ICE-Canada corpus of Canadian 
English is also housed here, as is the journal, Linguistics 
Abstracts, as of July 2007.

We offer both a thesis-based and a course-based Masters of Science 
(MSc). Students usually complete an MSc within 4 semesters. For 
students going on to complete a PhD here, another 3-4 years is 
generally needed.  Students being admitted directly into the PhD 
should anticipate spending 4-5 years completing coursework, candidacy 
exam requirements, and their doctoral research. A more complete 
description of our three graduate degrees can be found at:
Potential students can also contact Dr. Sally Rice, the Graduate 
Coordinator, at <sally.rice at>.

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