Seminar on Meaning Construction - English Society for English St udies (ESSE 2008 )

Annalisa Baicchi annalisa.baicchi at
Sun Feb 17 10:51:20 UTC 2008

Dear Colleagues,

submissions are invited for ESSE seminar S.21:
‘Meaning Construction: Functionalist, Cognitivist and Constructionist


Prof. Annalisa Baicchi (University of Pavia)
e-mail: annalisa.baicchi at

Prof. Francisco Gonzálvez-García (University of Almería)
e-mail: fgonza at

The seminar aims to promote the interaction and collaboration among
researchers interested in recent functionalist, cognitivist and/or
constructionist approaches with special focus on present-day English.
Specifically, the seminar is intended to be a forum for the discussion of
virtually any theoretical and/or descriptive/applied aspect concerning
grammar, the lexicon and discourse, and in particular controversial areas
such as: the relationship between syntax and all facets of meaning
construction, the boundaries between grammar and the lexicon, argument
structure configuration, the interaction between lexical and
constructional templates, pragmatic inferencing, implicature and
illocutionary meaning, and the potential of metonymic operations in speech
act configuration.

Call Deadline: 01-Mar-2008
Meeting Dates: 22-26 August 2008
Meeting URL:

General Information:
Those wishing to participate in the Conference are invited to submit
200-word abstracts of their proposed papers directly to both convenors of
the seminar in question before 1st March 2008. The convenors will let the
proponents know whether their proposals have been accepted no later than
21 March 2008.

Please note that authors of seminar papers will be expected to give an
oral presentation of not more than 15 minutes' duration, rather than
simply reading their papers aloud. Convenors should ensure that reduced
versions of the papers are circulated among all speakers in advance of the
seminar in question.
There will be a maximum of 5 papers in each two-hour seminar session, and
convenors should plan so that there is time for discussion between
speakers and with the audience.

Looking forward to meeting you at the ESSE Conference,

Annalisa Baicchi (also on behalf of Francisco Gonzálvez-García)

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