Job opening University of Querétaro M éxico

Ricardo Maldonado msoto at
Mon Jan 28 12:13:49 UTC 2008

The Department of Languages and Literature 
(Facultad de Lenguas y Letras) at the Autonomous 
University of Querétaro (Universidad Autónoma de 
Querétaro) announces the opening of two 
positions. The positions are for a one-year 
full-time renewable contract, which is the 
Mexican equivalent to an associate professor. 
Payment is approximately §14,000 Mexican Pesos a 
month (after taxes). The two positions involve 
teaching two courses a semester (mainly in the 
Master and Doctoral programs in Linguistics) and 
carrying out research in Linguistics. The 
University offers space and conditions for 
developing research projects. All applicants must 
hold a PhD. One position is for Syntax and 
related theoretical areas. Research in this area 
could involve theoretical approaches to language 
or descriptive work on an Mexican indigenous 
language. The second position is for Second 
Language Teaching and/or 2nd Language 
Acquisition. Research can be in any related area. 
Applications must be sent to docling at 
addressed to Dr. Ignacio Sánchez before the 15th 
of April, 2008. An application must include a 
vitae with a list of publications, academic 
presentations and teaching experience as well as 
one exemplar of a publication.

Ricardo Maldonado
Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, UNAM
Posgrado en Lingüística, UAQ

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