Subject-complement inversion

Bracha Nir-Sagiv brachan at
Fri Jun 19 17:25:31 UTC 2009

There's Rong Chen's book from 2003, English Inversion: A 
Ground-before-Figure Construction. Mouton de Gruyter.

I hope this helps!

Thomas E. Payne wrote:

>Can someone please remind me of research on the discourse functions of
>"subject-complement inversion" constructions in English? These are clauses
>like the following:
>Behind the counter crouched the thief.
>Up jumped the rabbit.
>Around the corner came the train. 
>Under the bed scurried the cat.
>The best rider on the team is Marilyn.
>Great is thy faithfulness.
>In the kitchen is Mrs. Jones.
>On the wall hangs a portrait of Churchill.
>I don't mean "subject-object inversion" in utterance predicates. Neither
>existential/presentational constructions with "existential 'there'".
>Thanks so much for references to relevant (preferably recent) literature.
>Tom Payne

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