AFLiCo 3, May 27-29, 2009: Conference program and registration deadline

Guillaume Desagulier gdesagulier at
Mon Mar 30 09:18:49 UTC 2009

[apologies for multiple postings]

Third International Conference of
the French Cognitive Linguistics Association (AFLiCo 3)
“Grammars in construction(s)”
27-28-29 May, 2009
University of Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Defense, France

Dear Colleagues,
We are happy to inform you that the AFLiCo 3 conference program is now 
available online (go to then click on 
“conference program”).
We inform participants who have not yet registered as well as colleagues 
who wish to attend the event that the closing date for registration has 
been extended to *April 3rd 2009*. After this date, a late-registration 
fee will apply (100 euros).
To register, download the pdf form 
( and fill it in 
carefully, following the instructions on the first page. In all cases, 
please send also an electronic version of your registration form to 
aflico3 at This version is linked to a database (and 
registered automatically), so please do not modify the format.
(If you experience any problem when opening or filling in the 
registration form, we advise you to download the latest version of Adobe 
Reader from
We’ll be posting updates on the conference website on a regular basis.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Nanterre from 27th to 29th 
May 2009.
The organization committee.

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