Call for Papers: Columbia School Linguistics

Nancy Stern nstern at
Fri Apr 30 11:59:39 UTC 2010


10th International Columbia School Conference
on the Interaction of Linguistic Form and Meaning with Human Behavior

October 9-11, 2010

Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey

Invited speakers:

Flora Klein-Andreu (Stony Brook University)
Andrea Tyler (Georgetown University)

Conference theme:  Grammatical analysis and the discovery of meaning

Papers are invited which propose language-specific analyses of natural
discourse data within any framework in which languages are viewed as
semiotic systems.   Particularly encouraged are submissions that advance
semantic hypotheses to account for the distribution of linguistic form.

The Columbia School is a group of linguists developing the theoretical
framework originally established by the late William Diver.  Language is
seen as a symbolic tool whose structure is shaped both by its communicative
function and by the characteristics of its human users.  Grammatical
analyses account for the distribution of linguistic forms as an interaction
between linguistic meaning and pragmatic and functional factors such as
inference, ease of processing, and iconicity.  Phonological analyses explain
the syntagmatic and paradigmatic distribution of phonological units within
signals, also drawing on both communicative function and human physiological
and psychological characteristics.

Abstracts should be sent as an email attachment to jdavis at,
following these guidelines:

*The subject of the email should be:  CS Abstract 2010
*In the body of the email, please include:  (1) Author name(s) and
affiliation(s); (2) Title of the paper; (3) Email addresses and telephone
numbers of all authors.
*The abstract, containing only the title of the paper and the text of the
abstract, should be sent as an attachment (RTF or Word) format.  The
abstract should be no more than 300 words, although references and/or data
may be added to that limit.


The language of the conference is English.  Papers delivered in languages
other than English will be considered.

* * * * * * * *
The support of
The Columbia School Linguistic Society
is gratefully acknowledged
* * * * * * * *

Selected Columbia School bibliography:

Contini-Morava, Ellen, Robert S. Kirsner, and Betsy Rodriguez-Bachiller
(eds.).  2005.  Cognitive and Communicative Approaches to Linguistic
Analysis.  Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Contini-Morava, Ellen, and Barbara Sussman Goldberg (eds.).  1995.  Meaning
as Explanation:  Advances in Linguistic Sign Theory.  Berlin:  Mouton de
Davis, Joseph, Radmila Gorup, and Nancy Stern (eds.).  2006. Advances in
Functional Linguistics: Columbia School beyond its origins.
 Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Huffman, Alan.  1997.  The Categories of Grammar:  French lui and le.
 Amsterdam/Philadelphia:  John Benjamins.
Huffman, Alan.  2001.  “The Linguistics of William Diver and the Columbia
School.”  WORD 52:1, 29-68.
Reid, Wallis.  1991.  Verb and Noun Number in English:  A Functional
Explanation.  London:  Longman.
Reid, Wallis, Ricardo Otheguy, and Nancy Stern (eds.).  2002.   Signal,
Meaning, and Message:  Perspectives on Sign-Based Linguistics.
 Amsterdam/Philadelphia:  John Benjamins.
Tobin, Yishai.  1997.  Phonology as Human Behavior:  Theoretical
Implications and Clinical Applications.  Durham:  Duke U Press.

For more information, please contact Joseph Davis at jdavis at

Joseph Davis, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Education, NAC 6207
The City College
New York, NY 10031

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