this might be interesting....

john at john at
Fri Aug 27 06:28:09 UTC 2010

If we can see when he's talking about the evolution of language that he's
willing to publicly speculate about things that aren't his forte, maybe we
should be a little bit suspicious about how much he really knows about the
other things he's talking about...

Quoting Tom Givon <tgivon at>:

> Dear FUNKfolk,
> I am taking the liberty to attach a link sent by a friend. There are
> several enjoyable short-chunk video talks in there, most enlightening of
> them by the great evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith. For those
> of you interested in evolution, cognitive science, evolutionary
> psychology or its predecessor socio-biology (not to mention just plain
> science), there is a chance you might actually enjoy it. What he has to
> say about the evolution of language is not exactly his forte. But the
> rest is first rate, and even his pianissimo is challenging.
> Cheers,  TG
> =================
> John
> --
> John M. Orbell
> Institute of Cognitive & Decision Sciences
> 255 Straub Hall 1284, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403
> Work 541 3460133 cell 541 5100854 fax 3464914 Skype: John M.Orbell
> Home:

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