The most and the least typical Romance language

A. Katz amnfn at
Mon Mar 15 12:59:19 UTC 2010


A cursory inspection of your list seems to indicate that the most typical 
romance languages in phono-typology are the ones that are most 
conservative and have departed less from the ancestral prototype.

Of course, this is a historical perspective, not a typological one.


P.S. Are you thinking that typology is the study of what is most typical?
I've never thought of it that way!

On Mon, 15 Mar 2010, Yuri Tambovtsev wrote:

> The most and the least typical Romance language. We have computed six Romance languages to measure the phono-typological distances between them. It is possible to find the Romance language which has the shortest distance to all these Romance languages. It is Moldavian. The ordered series of the phono-typological distances to the centre of the Romance languages:
> 17.30 Moldavian
> 20.24 - Rumanian
> 20.54 Italian
> 21.73 -Spanish
> 30.27 - Portuguese
> 51.17 - French
> The least typical Romance language is French. What ideas have you got to share with me about the most and the least typical Romance language from the phono-typological point of view? Looking forward to hearing about you to yutamb at  Yours sincerely Yuri Tambovtsev, Novosibirsk, Russia.

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