Can linguistics restore the parent language by the comparative m

Yuri Tambovtsev yutamb at
Tue Mar 23 10:10:40 UTC 2010

Dear Funknet colleagues, the discussion about linguistics is quite interesting. Really, is it the Humanities or Science. If we divide this man activity into Sciences and Arts, then linguistics for the exception of phonetics is Arts. Can linguistics reconstruct some parent language? We know that all the Romance languages have the parent language, i.e. Latin. But can linguists reconstruct Latin on the basis of Italian, Spanish, French and other Romance languages? The answer is NO. If linguistics had been SCience, then it would have been possible. But it is ARTS, thus it is impossible. Or am I mistaken? Looking forward to hearing from you either directly yutamb at or via Funknet. Be well, Yuri Tambovtsev 

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