An inquiry about emotion verbs

Mei-chun Liu mliu at
Wed May 5 07:51:36 UTC 2010

Dear all,
I have been looking at Mandarin emotion verbs and found that besides
Experiencer-as-subject and Stimulus-as-subject verbs,  there is a subgroup
of verbs that clearly lexicalize an agent-like Affector as the subject,
something like:

He stir-angered his boss.   (Mandarin: ta ji-nu le laoban.)
He provoke-infuriated his boss.  (Mandarin: ta re-huo le laoban.)

I'm wondering if there's any other language(s) where the majority of emotion
verbs prefer lexicalizing such an eventive predication with an agent-like 
Affector (similar to Van Valin's Effector')
as the subject and a patient-like Affectee as the object. Thank you very 
much in advance for your kind reply.

In other words, are there emotional predicates in other languages that 
clearly take a more volitional role than the so-called Experiencer as the 
Thanks in advance for your kind replies or suggestions.

Best regards,
Meichun Liu

NCTU, Taiwan
DFLL, National Chiao Tung University
mliu at
Fax: +886-3-5726037
Phone:+886-3-5712121 x. 58103

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