plain text version of CfP: new special section in Studies in Language

Balthasar Bickel bickel at
Tue Oct 5 10:07:34 UTC 2010

Dear all

I just realize that attachments may not go through the mailing list system, so I append the CfP in plain text below.


	Balthasar Bickel

Studies in Language introduces a new special section that will appear at irregular intervals:

News from the field:

We invite short contributions that report on new discoveries in little-known and/or endangered languages, emphasizing description over theory. Contributions will typically derive from original fieldwork and are expected to provide concise and well-substantiated analyses of linguistic phenomena that have not been noticed much in general or in the relevant family or area, but for which the wider theoretical and comparative implications cannot be established yet. Submissions will be refereed like regular articles.

Balthasar Bickel, Co-Editor
Studies in Language

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