First call for papers: Seventh Lancaster University International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and English Language 2012

Donnelly, Karen k.donnelly at
Tue Dec 20 14:59:53 UTC 2011

The Seventh Lancaster University International Postgraduate Conference In Linguistics And English Language 

Friday 13 July 2012 

We are pleased to announce the Seventh Lancaster University International Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and English Language (LAEL PG Conference) which will take place at Lancaster University’s Bailrigg Conference Centre, on Friday 13 July 2012. 
This one-day conference is designed to give linguistics postgraduates from all research areas an opportunity to present and discuss their research in an informal and intellectually stimulating setting. This year’s conference will be opened by Prof Elena Semino (Lancaster University), and there will be guest plenary lectures by: 
Prof Ruth Wodak (Lancaster University) 
Dr Paul Baker (Lancaster University). 
We invite postgraduate students to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations on any area of linguistics, theoretical or applied (see below for abstract submission guidelines) addressing the topic ‘Language in Context’. 

Key Dates 
Abstracts must be received by: Monday 19 March 2012 
Notification of acceptance: Monday 30 April 2012 
Early bird pre-registration deadline: Monday 21 May 2012 
Late registration deadline: Sunday 17 June 2012 
Conference: Friday 13 July 2012 The Seventh Lancaster University International Postgraduate Conference In Linguistics And English Language 

Abstract Submission Guidelines 
Abstracts should be no more than 300 words and should be submitted via e-mail as an attachment (Microsoft Word/PDF). Abstracts should not include the author’s name or any other identifying information. 
Abstracts should be sent to lancspg2012 at The deadline is 19 March 2012. No late submissions will be accepted. All submissions will be blind peer-reviewed. 
Note that we can ONLY accept abstracts from POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS. We are unable to consider abstracts from authors whose doctoral awards have already been made. 
Please note: the 300-word limit does not include title, keywords and references. 
The subject line of the email should contain the words "Abstract submission". 

Your email message must contain the following information: 
1. The title and the presentation type (oral or poster) 
2. The name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliation(s) 
3. A brief author’s biography (up to 40 words) 
4. The author’s e-mail address and contact details 
5. Preferably, the main and secondary area of your research, from the list below: 
 Cognitive linguistics 
 Corpus linguistics 
 Critical discourse analysis 
 Historical linguistics 
 Literacy studies 
 Pragmatics/semantics 
 Phonetics/phonology 
 Second language teaching/learning/assessment 
 Sociolinguistics 
 Syntax/morphology 
 Stylistics 
 Translation studies 
 Other: please specify 

Presentation Guidelines 
Accepted abstracts will be allotted 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. There will be a dedicated poster session on the day of the conference. The Seventh Lancaster University International Postgraduate Conference In Linguistics And English Language 

Publication Guidelines 
Speakers will also be invited to submit their papers for publication in Papers from the Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching, Vol. 7: Papers from LAEL PG 2012. This is a peer-reviewed, open-access online publication featuring full papers from the annual Lancaster University Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics and Language Teaching (LAEL PG). Please visit for previous years’ publications. 

Further Information 
For further information, please visit our website 
If you have any queries, please email lancspg2012 at 
Facebook page!/LancsPGconferenceLinguistics 
Twitter page!/LAELPostgradCon 

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