Workshop on Comparing Approaches to Measuring Linguistic Differences

Anju Saxena Anju.Saxena at
Mon Feb 21 05:11:07 UTC 2011

Workshop on Comparing Approaches to Measuring Linguistic Differences

24-25 October 2011
University of Gothenburg
Web Site: <>

Invited Speakers (confirmed so far):

- Michael Cysouw (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
- John Nerbonne (University of Groningen)
- Søren Wichmann (MPI Leipzig)

Call for Papers:

We invite researchers to submit proposals for presentations at the  
workshop, including but not limited to topics such as:

- Explicit comparison/evaluation of different methods using the same data
- What do the methods measure? - linguistically informed evaluation of  
automatic approaches to measuring linguistic differences
- Beyond lexicostatistics: quantification of grammatical and semantic  
differences, in an automatic or non-automatic framework
- Methodological challenges for historical-comparative linguistics
- Quantitative aspects of traditional methods in historical linguistics
- New data sources for measuring linguistic differences and their  
methodological challenges
- Case studies on individual languages, language families or linguistic areas

Abstracts should be one (A4 or letter) page long, with 25 mm/one inch  
margins and the text in a 12 point Roman font. A second page may be  
included for references and/or data. Abstracts -- in pdf format only  
-- should be sent to:
<workshop2011(at)svenska(d)gu(d)se> (change the parenthesized  
expressions into the appropriate characters).

Important Dates:

- 15 April 2011: Submission deadline
- 15 May 2011: Acceptance notification
- 24-25 October 2011: Workshop

For more details, visit the workshop homepage:  

Anju Saxena
Professor of Linguistics
Dept. of Linguistics & Philology
Uppsala University

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