bilingualism is good for the brain - Chronicle picks up our story

Lise Menn lise.menn at Colorado.EDU
Tue Feb 22 21:20:33 UTC 2011

Here's the link to a very good summary of the Section Z bilingualism  
symposium, from the Chronicle of Higher Education, including necessary  
cautions in interpretation; it also notes the section on foreign  
language training that Amy Weinberg organized for us.  Thanks to Joan  
Maling for the link, which she got via the Federal Register.  We're  
all over!

Regards, Lise

Lise Menn                      Home Office: 303-444-4274
1625 Mariposa Ave	Fax: 303-413-0017
Boulder CO 80302	

Professor Emerita of Linguistics
Fellow, Institute of Cognitive Science
University of  Colorado

Secretary, AAAS Section Z [Linguistics]
Fellow, Linguistic Society of America

Campus Mail Address:
UCB 594, Institute for Cognitive Science

Campus Physical Address:
CINC 234
1777 Exposition Ave, Boulder

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