New Benjamins title: Amiridze et al. - Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders

Paul Peranteau paul at
Wed Jan 26 23:10:11 UTC 2011

Fillers, Pauses and Placeholders
Edited by Nino Amiridze, Boyd H. Davis and Margaret Maclagan
Utrecht University & University of Jena / University of North Carolina - 
Charlotte / University of Canterbury

Typological Studies in Language 93
2010. vii, 224 pp.

Hardbound: 978 90 272 0674 9 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

e-Book – Available from e-book platforms
978 90 272 8776 2 / EUR 99.00 / USD 149.00

Fillers are items that speakers insert in spontaneous speech as a repair 
strategy. Types of fillers include hesitation markers and placeholders. 
Both are used to fill pauses that arise during planning problems or in 
lexical retrieval failure. However, while hesitation markers may not 
bear any resemblance to lexical items they replace, placeholders 
typically share some morphosyntactic properties with the target form. 
Additionally, fillers can function as a pragmatic tool, in order to 
replace lexical items that the speaker wants to avoid mentioning for 
some reason. The present volume is the first collection on the topic of 
fillers and will be a useful reference work for future investigations on 
the topic. It consists of typological surveys and in-depth studies 
exploring the form and use of fillers across languages and sections of 
different populations, including cognitively impaired speakers. The 
volume will be interesting to typologists and linguists working in 
discourse studies.

Table of contents

Acknowledgements vii
Barbara A. Fox 1–10
Parameters for typological variation of placeholders
Vera I. Podlesskaya 11–32
A cross-linguistic exploration of demonstratives in interaction: With 
particular reference to the context of word-formulation trouble
Makoto Hayashi and Kyung-Eun Yoon 33–66
Placeholder verbs in Modern Georgian
Nino Amiridze 67–94
 From interrogatives to placeholders in Udi and Agul spontaneous narratives
Dmitry Ganenkov, Yury Lander and Timur Maisak 95–118
Fillers and placeholders in Nahavaq
Laura Dimock 119–138
The interactional profile of a placeholder: The Estonian demonstrative see
Leelo Keevallik 139–172
Fillers and their relevance in describing Sliammon Salish
Honoré Watanabe 173–188
Pauses, fillers, placeholders and formulaicity in Alzheimer’s discourse: 
Gluing relationships as impairment increases
Boyd H. Davis and Margaret Maclagan 189–216
Language index 217
Name index 219–220
Subject index 221–224

John Benjamins Publishing
763 N 24th Street
Philadelphia PA  USA
Ph: 215 769-3444  Fax: 215 769-3446

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