Exemplar Semantics workshop

rjl at ehop.com rjl at ehop.com
Sat Mar 5 18:02:01 UTC 2011


	Please find below a meeting announcement
 René-Joseph Lavie 
 MoDyCo (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense et CNRS) 
 rjl at ehop.com 
 33 (0)1 4370 4467 ---- 33 (0)6 0818 6973 
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	Date: March 18, 2011 (9:00 – 18:00). 

	Location: Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, room G614. 

	Details on this page [1]. 

	Download the summaries [2]. 

	The meeting is open. To facilitate the organization please state
your intention to attend by sending a message to rjl AT ehop Dot com 


	Exemplars have been around in psychology for thirty years. 

	In linguistics, exemplars are promising as an alternative base for
theoretical linguistics, understood as that which together seeks to
account for linguistic productivity, learnability and linguistic
change: exemplars would make up for the limits of abstraction-based

	Over the last fifteen years, exemplars have been used mainly in
phonology and in morphology, a little in syntax. Today, their use in
semantics is just emerging. 

	Parallel to this, philosophers propose to circumvent the shortages
of Fregean descriptivism with notions such as 'object file' or 'mental

	Exemplars and mental files both substitute one abstract entity with
a set of more concrete ones. This character is shared by a number of
approaches that vary however in scope, intent, and in the way they
profile the exemplars and subject them to their goals. So a scene is
currently building up that is promising, and that is both unitary and


	Survey recent advances in linguistics tending to show why exemplars
are wanted in semantics and how their proponents configure them. 

	Identify what is meant by 'exemplar' as far as semantics is
concerned: is the concept univocally defined, what the different
acceptations are, how they compare, what merits each has.  

	Assess what stage different approaches have reached: programmatic /
partial achievements / identified open issues / directions for


	9-9:30 Bernard Laks (Vice Président délégué à la Recherche,
MoDyCo, U. Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, France)
 Allocution de bienvenue. Les débuts des exemplaires en
 (Opening address. Early history of exemplars in linguistics.) 

	9:30-10:30 William Croft (Professor of linguistics, University of
New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA)
 Exemplar semantics: cross-linguistic and language internal evidence.

	10:30-11 Break 

	11-12 Andrea Sansò (Professore di linguistica, Università di
Insubria, Como, Italia)
 Exemplar semantics and diachrony, applications and open questions. 

	12-14 Lunch 

	14-15 Dominique Legallois (Maître de conférences, Université de
Caen, France)
 Modélisation de l'interprétation abductive fondée sur des
 (Exemplar-based modelling of abductive interpretation.) 

	15-15:30 Agathe Cormier (Doctorante, MoDyCo, U. Paris Ouest Nanterre
la Défense, France)
 La signification dans les _Recherches Philosophiques_ de
Wittgenstein : une sémantique des occurrences pour rendre compte du
savoir-faire linguistique.
 (Signification in Wittgenstein's _Philosophical Investigations_: a
semantics of occurrences to account for linguistic know-how.) 

	15:30-16 Break 

	16-17 René-Joseph Lavie (Membre associé, MoDyCo, U. Paris Ouest
Nanterre la Défense, France)
 Backing exemplar-based semantics to exemplar-based syntax. 

	17-18 General discussion. Assessment, perspectives. 


	The languages of the meeting are French and English. 


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