Ambridge & Lieven: Child Language Acquisition: Contrasting Theoretical Approaches

Elena Lieven lieven at
Tue May 3 20:27:38 UTC 2011

Dear all,
With apologies for the shameless self-promotion, we (Ben Ambridge & 
Elena Lieven) would like to inform you that our new textbook (/Child 
Language Acquisition: Contrasting Theoretical Approaches/, Cambridge 
University Press) is out now (paperback/hardback/Kindle).

As the name implies, our aim in writing the book was  to compare the 
competing theoretical accounts of all the major language-acquisition 
phenomena, in as even-handed and comprehensive a manner as possible. We 
therefore hope that this will be a useful  textbook for course-leaders 
of /all/ theoretical persuasions! If you teach a course on language 
acquisition, why not request a free inspection copy from Cambridge 
University Press? (links for inspection copies/purchase are below.)

*Table of Contents*

1. Introduction
2. Speech perception, segmentation and production
3. Learning word meanings
4. Theoretical approaches to grammar acquisition
5. Inflection
6. Simple syntax
7. Movement and complex syntax
8. Binding, quantification and control
9. Related debates and conclusions.

 *Summary:* Is children's language acquisition based on innate 
linguistic structures or built from cognitive and communicative skills? 
This book summarises the major theoretical debates in all of the core 
domains of child language acquisition research (phonology, 
word-learning, inflectional morphology, syntax and binding) and includes 
a complete introduction to the two major contrasting theoretical 
approaches: generativist and constructivist. For each debate, the 
predictions of the competing accounts are closely and even-handedly 
evaluated against the empirical data. The result is an evidence-based 
review of the central issues in language acquisition research that will 
constitute a valuable resource for students, teachers, course-builders 
and researchers alike

 *Cambridge University Press - to request a free inspection copy or 
purchase (though usually cheaper at Amazon)*









Elena Lieven
Department of Developmental and Comparative Psychology  
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology                         
Deutscher Platz 6                                                                        
D-04103 Leipzig                                                                           

Tel.+49-(0)341-3550 404                                                               
    +49-(0)341-3550 400 (Department Coordinator: Henriette Zeidler)      
Fax.+49-(0)341-3550 444                                                            

Max Planck Child Study Centre
School of Psychological Sciences
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL

Tel.+44-(0)161-275 2580
    +44-(0)161-275 2444 (Research Secretary: Mickie Glover)
Fax.+44-(0)161-275 8587


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