FINAL CALL -- 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference: London, July 2012

Vyv Evans v.evans at
Fri Nov 25 13:25:51 UTC 2011



The 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference (UK-CLC4) will take place 
10-12 July 2012 at King's College London, London, UK.
Confirmed keynote speakers:

    * Professor Stephen Levinson (Max Planck Institute for
      Psycholinguistics) <>
    * Professor George Lakoff (University of California - Berkeley)
    * Professor Gilles Fauconnier (University of California - San Diego)
    * Professor Elena Lieven (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary
      Anthropology) <>
    * Professor Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh)
    * Professor Lawrence Barsalou (Emory University)

 We invite the submission of abstracts (for paper or poster 
presentations) addressing all aspects of Cognitive Linguistics. These 
include, but are by no means limited to:

    * Domains and frame semantics
    * Categorisation, prototypes and polysemy
    * Metaphor and metonymy
    * Mental spaces and conceptual blending
    * Cognitive and construction grammar
    * Embodiment and linguistic relativity
    * Language acquisition and language impairment
    * Language evolution and language change
    * Language use

Cognitive Linguistics is an inherently interdisciplinary enterprise 
which is broadly concerned with the connection between language and 
cognition in relation to body, culture and contexts of use. We therefore 
invite interdisciplinary research that combines theories and methods 
from across the cognitive, biological and social sciences. These 
include, but are not limited to:

    * Linguistics
    * Psycholinguistics
    * Anthropology
    * Evolution
    * Paleoanthropology
    * Primatology
    * Neuroscience
    * Cognitive and developmental psychology
    * Discourse and Communication studies

Talks will be allocated 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for question. 
Posters will stay up for a day and be allocated to dedicated, timetabled 
sessions. The language of the conference is English. Abstracts of no 
more than 300 words (excluding references) should be submitted online at 
<>  All abstracts will 
be subject to double-blind peer review by an international Scientific 
Committee. The deadline for abstract submission is 15 December, 2011. 
Notification of acceptance decisions will be communicated by 15 February 

 For further information, please visit the conference website at 
<>   or contact 
the Local Organising Committee at uk-clc4 at 
<mailto:uk-clc4 at>


All attendees must register for the conference in advance. Registration 
is irrespective of whether an attendee is presenting at the conference 
or not. For further details and to register, please visit:

*We strongly encourage you to arrange accommodation as soon as possible, 
due to the London 2012 Olympics. Please visit: *


Please check with the UK Border Agency 
<>whether you need a visa and how to 
obtain one if necessary.  If you do require a visa, it is most likely a 
Business Visitor Visa that you need as this applies to academics 
attending conferences. Please contact the Local Organising Committee at 
uk-clc4 at <mailto:uk-clc4 at> to arrange for a letter of 
invitation, but note that we can only issue letters of invitations to 
participants who have formally registered for the conference.

Professor/Yr Athro Vyv Evans
Professor of Linguistics/Athro mewn Ieithyddiaeth

Head of School/Pennaeth yr Ysgol
School of Linguistics & English Language/
Ysgol Ieithyddiaeth a Iaith Saesneg
Bangor University/Prifysgol Bangor

Deputy Head of College (Research)/
Dirprwy Bennaeth y Coleg (Ymchwil)
College of Arts and Humanities/
Coleg y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau
Bangor University/Prifysgol Bangor

General Editor of 'Language & Cognition'
A Mouton de Gruyter journal

Rhif Elusen Gofrestredig / Registered Charity No. 1141565

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gynnwys deunydd cyfrinachol ac wedi eu bwriadu i'w defnyddio'n unig
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rhaid i chi beidio â defnyddio, cadw neu ddatgelu unrhyw wybodaeth a
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100% yn ddiogel. Oni bai fod hyn wedi ei ddatgan yn uniongyrchol yn
nhestun yr e-bost, nid bwriad y neges e-bost hon yw ffurfio contract
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