FDG Course and Conference 2012, Ghent, Belgium

fg-fgw fg-fgw at uva.nl
Mon Oct 10 11:44:22 UTC 2011

         First Announcement and Call for papers

International Conference on Functional Discourse GrammarGhent University, Ghent, Belgium
6-8 June 2012
preceded by
International Postgraduate Course on Functional Discourse Grammar
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
4-5 June 2012

Call for papers IC-FDG-2012
The conference will host papers on any topic related to FDG. This includes both theoretical expositions concerning the model itself and applications of the framework to new data.  However, one topic will be given special attention: Lexicon and Grammar in Functional Discourse Grammar. (see below)
The length of the papers will be 30 minutes followed by 10 minutes of discussion. There will be no parallel sessions at the conference.
Apart from the special and general sessions, there will be ample room for poster presentations.
The language of the conference will be English.
For more information see our website www.FunctionalDiscourseGrammar.info


   Functional Grammar Foundation
   International Secretary
   Universiteit van Amsterdam
   Department of Theoretical Linguistics
   Spuistraat 210
   1012 VT  Amsterdam
   The Netherlands
   e-mail: fg-fgw at uva.nl


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