Post-doc positions available

Randy LaPolla randy.lapolla at
Sat Dec 29 15:42:18 UTC 2012

Hi All,
The College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, has a number of post-doctoral positions available, including some for linguists:

One that I am responsible for is for someone to work on the project "Communication difficulties in healthcare" as part of the Medical Humanities focus. The idea would be for the person to do multi-modal analysis of doctor-patient interactions with the goal of understanding and eventually improving clinical communication, to improve clinical evaluations and results. The person would work with collaborators in NTU's Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, including possibly helping in the development of their Clinical Communication course.

Applicants should possess a doctoral degree issued no more than 3 years prior to the time of application (i.e. the degree must have been obtained after Jan 1, 2010). Successful candidates must have been conferred their doctoral degrees prior to starting their fellowships in July or August of 2013.  Applications must be submitted in one single document (Microsoft Word format) using the official application form, available on the web site given above.

Prof. Randy J. LaPolla, PhD FAHA (罗仁地)| Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies | Nanyang Technological University
HSS-03-45, 14 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637332 | Tel: (65) 6592-1825 GMT+8h | Fax: (65) 6795-6525 |

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