Books available for review

Thomas E. Payne tpayne at
Wed May 2 16:36:39 UTC 2012

The list of books available for review in Studies in Language has been
updated. See:


Some typos have been fixed, a couple of titles have been removed, and the
following one has been added:


Asudeh, Ash. 2012. The logic of pronominal resumption [Oxford Studies in
Theoretical Linguistics]. Oxford University Press.


I would also like to call your attention to the following book that will be
of particular interest to recipients of this list, and readers of Studies in


Malchukov, Andrej & Anna Siewierska (eds.). 2011. Impersonal constructions:
A cross-linguistic perspective [Studies in Language Companion Series 124].
Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Book reviews are a maximum of 4,000 words in length, and are due five months
after you receive the book. If you submit a publishable review by the target
date, the book will be yours to keep.


Studies in Language (SL) provides a forum for the discussion of issues in
contemporary linguistics from discourse-pragmatic, functional and
typological perspectives. Areas of central concern are: discourse grammar;
syntactic, morphological and semantic universals; pragmatics;
grammaticalization and grammaticalization theory; and the description of
problems in individual languages from a discourse-pragmatic, functional, and
typological perspective. 


This journal is peer reviewed and indexed in: Social Sciences Citation
Index; Social Scisearch; Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences;
Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition; Arts & Humanities Citation
Index; Abstracts in English Studies; Cultures, Langues, Textes; European
Reference Index for the Humanities; Germanistik; Humanities Index; IBR/IBZ;
Linguistics Abstracts; Linguistic Bibliography/Bibliographie Linguistique;
LLBA; MLA International Bibliography, Translation Studies Abstracts Online.


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