ICLC-12 abstract deadline fast approaching

Sally Rice srice at ualberta.ca
Tue Oct 9 15:08:39 UTC 2012

This is a final call for abstracts for the *12th International Cognitive
Linguistics Conference* to be held in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 23-28 June
2013. The deadline for *all* abstracts (for both the general session and
all previously accepted theme sessions) is *Thursday, 1 November 2012*. See
the conference homepage for full details about topics and the abstract
submission process:

http://www.foa.ualberta.ca/iclc2013  [main site]

https://iclc.artsrn.ualberta.ca/            [mirror site intended for
Mainland China]


*(1) Number of abstracts per author*

We understand that much research in linguistics these days is
collaborative, but we are concerned that the widest possible participant
pool be represented at the conference. One person can have his or her name
on at most two papers intended for platform (as opposed to poster)
presentation, but cannot be the sole author on both. Possible scenarios are
as follows: ((a) single author on one paper, co-author on another; (b)
co-author on two papers. We will allow an author's name to appear on a
third paper only if it is proposed as a co-authored poster presentation. In
total, an author’s name can appear on no more than three submitted
abstracts, only one of which can be a solo-authored submission. We hope you
find this a fair compromise between maximizing the number of participants
and recognizing all collaborators on shared research.

*(2) Theme Sessions*

Because of the many exciting and well-planned theme session proposals we
received, we have relented on our desire to not have theme sessions in
conflict with the general session. One full-day theme session has now been
planned for each day of the conference (Sunday through Friday) except the
half-day Wednesday (which features afternoon excursions and the evening
banquet). Multiple shorter 3-hour theme sessions have been planned for the
evenings of Monday and Thursday. Abstracts for individual papers in the
theme sessions will still need to be submitted blind for our reviewers
through *Easy Abstracts*. Authors must include the title of their
pre-approved theme session in a subtitle when they submit their abstracts.
Theme session organizers will be able to make the final selection of
abstracts from among the abstracts that are intended for the theme session
and that pass review in *Easy Abstracts*. The deadline for Theme Session
abstracts is *Thursday,* *1 November 2012*. If an abstract intended for a
theme session is accepted, but for whatever reason cannot be included in
the theme session, the paper can still be presented as part of the general
session. Papers in each general-session session will still be thematically

There are constraints on the slots available for the full-day theme
sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Presenters in these
full-day sessions must adhere to the same 20-minute slots for presentations
and questions (with a 5-minute room change) applying to all presentations
on these days. There are eleven 25-minute slots available between
8.30-10.35 and 14.00-16.55 (with a 25-minute coffee break for everyone
15.15-15.40). The intent here is to facilitate easier movement between the
general sessions and each day’s theme session for those who want to
participate in both. Organizers of full-day theme sessions can add up to an
extra hour of time for their theme sessions between 13.00-14.00 if they

*(3) Follow ICLC-12 on Facebook and Twitter!*

In order to facilitate the uploading of photographs from past ICLC
conferences or to upload a tribute to a member of our cognitive linguistics
community who has passed away, we have created a Facebook account to which
you can upload a photo or a tribute.  If you have multiple photos from a
specific past contrast, please email them to us and we will place them in
an appropriate conference album.


Dr. Sally Rice and Dr. John Newman

Co-organizers of ICLC-12 (2013)

Department of Linguistics

4-34 Assiniboia Hall

University of Alberta

Edmonton, AB  T6G 2E7


iclc2013 at ualberta.ca




Twitter: www.twitter.com/iclc12

tel: +780.492.3434

fax: +780.492.0806

Dr. Sally Rice
Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Linguistics
4-60 Assiniboia Hall
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E7  CANADA
tel: +780.492.5500
fax: +780.492.0806
sally.rice at ualberta.ca
www.ualberta.ca/~srice <http://www.ualberta.ca/%7Esrice>

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