Conference: The embodied foundation of human communicative skills

Elisabeth Engberg - Pedersen eep at
Sat Oct 13 10:08:54 UTC 2012

In the recent decades the insight that we socially engage in communication as whole human beings has overruled the Cartesian tradition of researching humans as compartmentalized entities. New activities in multidisciplinary research have been launched across the faculties. The purpose of the conference is to provide a proper forum for researchers to discuss and make explicit their respective theoretical assumptions, disciplinary foundations, and empirical approaches and results in relation to embodied human communication, i.e. emotion, language, art.

Conference at The University of Copenhagen
21st to 23rd November 2012
 Registration deadline: November 7 (
Preliminary programme
Wednesday 21st of November
10.00                   Welcome and introduction
Session chair:
10.15-11.15    Key note lecture
COLWYN TREVARTHEN: To Act Together With Meaning: How Embodied Human Minds Motivate Cultural Learning?

11.15-11.45    Coffee/tea
11.45-12.45    Papers
István Fekete: The interplay of non-verbal and verbal representations in the domain of environmental sounds: A psycholinguistic analysis of concrete and ‘fictive’ sound events
Bálint Forgács: How Embodied are Metaphors?
12.45-13.45    Lunch
Session chair: Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen
13.45-14.45    Key note lecture
STEPHEN J. COWLEY: Deriving skills from interactivity

14.45-15.45    Papers
Sullivan: Beyond prototypical emotions and naturalism: Towards a thoroughly embodied, conversational and social-interactional theory of pride, joy and personal triumph
Per Durst-Andersen: The embodiment functions of the lexical symbol and the grammeme in communication
15.45-16.15    Coffee/tea
16.15-17.15    Papers
Milena Zic Fuchs: Communicative Acts as Reflections of Embodiment: The Notions of Convention and Mutual Knowledge Revisited
Doina Rusti, Napoleon Helmis: The nonverbal Message in Cinematographic art, Case study: By pass (director Nap Toader)
17.15-18.00    Discussion
Theme: To be announced
18.30                   Dinner at Bryggens Spisehus

Thursday 22nd of November
Session Chair: Sabine Koch
10.00-11.00    Key note lecture:
                                 SUSAN GOLDIN-MEADOW: How our hands help us think

11.00-11.30    Coffee/tea
11.30-12.30    Papers
                                 Costanza Navarretta, Patrizia Paggio: Turn management in first encounters conversations
Amir Kapetanović, Josip Vučković: Coded non-verbal communication in the middle ages
12.30-13.30    Lunch
Session Chair: Corrado Sinigaglia
13.30-14.30    Key note lecture:
ASLI OZYUREK: The role of gesture in language and communication:  what does it tell us
about embodiment ?

14.30-15.30    Papers
Ying Liu, Theodore Lim, James Ritchie, Raymond Sung: Can Gesture and emotions reveal the cognitive process in an interactive system
Krisztina Zajdó: The role of embodiment in the acquisition of speech segment duration:  Do children imitate the adult model?

15.30-16.00    Coffee/tea
16.00-17.30    Panel discussion
Moderator: Csaba Pléh
Panellists: To be announced
19.00                   Conference dinner at Madklubben, Store Kongensgade

Friday 23rd of November
Session chair: Susanne Harder
10.00-11.00    Key note lecture:
METTE VÆVER: An empirical approach to the study of embodied meaning making in mother-infant communication: The developmental trajectory from physical proximity to an embodied model of emotional intimacy.

11.00-11.30    Coffee/tea
11.30-12.30    Papers
Dana Shai: Embodied Mentalizing: The parent-infant Dance
Ditte Boeg Thomsen: Intersubjective particles in ontogeny

12.30-13.15    Concluding discussion (maybe only concluding remarks)
13.15                   Lunch

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