Call for proposals: Workshops on Language Documentation, Maintenance, and Revitalization

Colleen Fitzgerald collfitz at
Thu Jun 6 17:18:04 UTC 2013

*Call for proposals: Workshops on Language Documentation, Maintenance, and
*Deadline for receipt of proposals: July 15, 2013
Selection of proposals: August 30, 2013

To be held as part of:

2014 Institute on Collaborative Language Research (CoLang/InField)
Institute on Field Linguistics and Language Documentation

(please note this web address is case sensitive)

University of Texas at Arlington
June 16th – June 27th, 2014

 We are soliciting proposals for workshops in language documentation,
language maintenance, and language  revitalization to be held as part of
the fourth CoLang/InField, Institute on Collaborative Language Research.  The
CoLang/InField training institutes take place in summers alternating with
the Linguistic Society of America's Institute. The participant audience at
CoLang 2014 will include Indigenous community members, practicing
linguists, graduate and undergraduate students in linguistics and
anthropology, archivists,  and language activists with an interest in
documenting, maintaining, or  revitalizing their languages.

Previous workshops have been hosted by the University of Kansas, the
University of Oregon and the University of California, Santa Barbara. Past
participants have gone on to great success in developing documentation and
revitalization projects, generating funding, and presenting results at
major international venues like the Linguistic Society of America Annual
Meeting, the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas,
and the International  Conference on Language Documentation and

The 2014 Institute will take place at The University of Texas at Arlington
from June 16 to June 27, 2014.  CoLang 2014 will offer courses that address
technological training, interdisciplinary collaborations with the sciences,
developing collaborative community language projects,  and
pedagogical/teaching applications.  Several foundation courses in
linguistics are also offered.  The current list of planned courses is
online at
These courses are already assigned instructors.
In keeping with CoLang as a training venue that promotes exposure to
cutting-edge techniques and innovative approaches in language documentation
and revitalization, proposals for new workshop topics are being
solicited.  Workshops
should not duplicate currently planned courses.  At CoLang 2014, there will
be two instruction formats for workshop offerings : 4-day courses (6 hours
total) and 2-hour workshops (2 hours total).  We estimate accepting
approximately five new workshops of each type (ten accepted workshops from
this solicitation, five in 4-day format, five in 2-hour format).

The proposal should be a maximum of 2 pages in length, and should include:
topic, rationale for including it as part of CoLang, proposed length
(2-hour or 4-day), a brief description of  workshop content (general lesson
plan , target audience, and level, e.g., beginning, intermediate,
advanced), how it would be taught (balance of theory, examples, hands-on
exercises), and what experience qualifies you to teach
it. We encourage students and language activists to apply.  For an example
of workshop titles and descriptions from a previous institute, go to

Travel and room and board will be covered for instructors,  and a modest
honorarium provided.

Questions should be directed to Colleen Fitzgerald, Director of the 2014
Institute on Collaborative Research at cmfitz at  Completed proposals
should be submitted as a PDF to uta2014institute at
CoLang/InField is partially funded by the National Science Foundation.

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