ICLC-12 update (and looming Early Bird Registration deadline--31 March 2013)

Sally Rice srice at ualberta.ca
Wed Mar 27 21:24:12 UTC 2013

**Apologies for cross-postings**

We have a number of announcements to make concerning the upcoming *12th
International Cognitive Linguistics Conference* being held at the
University of Alberta, 23-28 June 2013. The conference is now less than
three months away.

(1) We have added a graduate student event (also open to post-docs and
undergraduate students) on Tuesday evening, 25 June.  The featured speaker
will be Daniel Casasanto speaking on* *"The Hands of Time: What gestures
reveal about space-time mappings".  This presentation and mixer will
feature food and a no-host bar.

(2) We can confirm panelists for the two "Open Forums" which address,
roughly, the past 25 years in the Cognitive Linguistics movement and the
next 25 years.

The "Looking Back" forum takes place late Monday afternoon, 24 June.  The
12 panelists are:  George Lakoff, Len Talmy, Ron Langacker, Dirk Geeraerts,
Guenter Radden, Klaus-Uwe Panther, Claudia Brugman, Maggie Winters, Suzanne
Kemmer, Sherman Wilcox, Eve Sweetser, and Arie Verhagen.

The "Looking Forward" forum takes place late Tuesday afternoon, 25 June.
The 12 panelists are:  Chris Sinha, Jordan Zlatev, Laura Janda, Ron Chen,
Maarten Lemmens, Nick Evans, Ewa Dabrowska, Seana Coulson, Alan Cienki,
Steffi Wulff, Vera Tobin, and Daniel Casasanto.

We're hoping for ample audience participation at these two events, both of
which will be video-taped and made available as permanent podcasts.

(3) A revised program will be posted by the end of this week on the
conference website.

(4) Early Bird registration ends this coming Sunday, 31 March.  Regular
pre-registration rates rise substantially as of 1 April.  Regular
registration rates go up again as of 1 June.  If you are planning to attend
the conference, please consider registering early--it will be cheaper for

(5)  Our colleagues in East Asian Studies would like to announce two
pre-conference workshops of general interest to participants of ICLC-12.

A day-long workshop on "Cognitive and Functional Approaches to the Study of
Japanese as a Second Language" will take place on Friday, 21 June, in
Banff, Alberta. For more details, please go to <
A two-day workshop on "Linguistic and Interactional Units in Everyday
Speech: Cross-linguistic Perspectives"  will take place on Friday and
Saturday, 21-22 June, at the University of Alberta. For more details,
please go to <http://albertaunitsworkshop.blogspot.ca/>.

(6) We invite those interested in live updates about the conference as well
as view our photo gallery of past conferences to follow us on Facebook <
or Twitter <https://twitter.com/iclc12>.

Dr. Sally Rice and Dr. John Newman
Co-organizers of ICLC-12 (2013)
Department of Linguistics
University of Alberta

iclc2013 at ualberta.ca
mirror site for China:  https://iclc.artsrn.ualberta.ca/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iclc12

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