Call for Participation "Music and the Origins of Language. International Summer School on Agent-based Computational Models of Creativity"

john john at
Sat May 4 08:21:56 UTC 2013


This sounds really groovy. 


On 03.05.2013 17:30, Freek Van
de Velde wrote: 

> Call for Participation "Music and the Origins of
Language. International Summer School on Agent-based Computational
Models of Creativity".
> 15 - 20 September 2013, Cortona, Italy
> The Evolutionary
Linguistics Association (ELA) is proud to announce its second summer
school in Cortona on Music and the Origins of Language. The school is
intended for postdocs, lecturers and predocs with a background in
computer science and a strong interest in music and the origins of
> The summer school will be held in Cortona, Italy from
Sunday 15 September to Friday 20 September 2013. Lectures, activities
and meals are all collocated in Hotel Oasi and the Palazzone di Cortona.
Participants will all stay at Hotel Oasi.
> The summer school has a
wide-ranging program of background lectures introducing concepts from
biology, anthropology, psychology, music theory and linguistics that are
helpful to understand the nature of creativity, the role and intimate
relations between language and music, and the mechanisms underlying
cultural evolution. It further contains technical lectures on the
fundamental computational components required for language processing as
well as technical ateliers to learn how to set up evolutionary
linguistics experiments. Participants have the opportunity to present
their latest research in a poster session. Embedded in the school is an
ERC workshop of the Flow Machines project on musical style and
composition. The school also features artistic ateliers in which
participants create new creative works and engage in performance.
Interested researchers can apply by following the registration
information that is available on the website. There are a limited number
of scholarships available that cover participation and accommodation
> It receives support from FP7 PRAISE and INSIGHT projects, the
euCognition Network of Excellence and the ESF project DRUST.
> For
information and queries, please visit the website or email
cortona2013 at>.


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