IACS-2014 Extended deadline

Jordan Zlatev jordan.zlatev at ling.lu.se
Mon Feb 3 12:02:42 UTC 2014

!!! Note: Extended Deadline: Feb 20, 2014 !!!

First Conference of the International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS)
September 25-27, 2014
Lund, Sweden

IACS-2014 at semiotik.lu.se

Plenary speakers
* Søren Brier, Copenhagen Business School
* Merlin Donald, Queens University
* Brian MacWhinney, Carnegie Mellon University
* Cornelia Müller, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
* Raymond Tallis, University of Manchester

Theme: Establishing Cognitive Semiotics
Over the past two decades or so, a number of researchers from semiotics, linguistics, cognitive science and related fields, from several European and North American research centres, have experienced the need to combine theoretical knowledge and methodological expertise in order to tackle challenging questions concerning the nature of meaning, the role of consciousness, the unique cognitive features of mankind, the interaction of nature and nurture in development, and the interplay of biological and cultural evolution in phylogeny. The International Association for Cognitive Semiotics (IACS) aims at the further establishment of Cognitive Semiotics as the trans-disciplinary study of meaning, combining concepts, theories and methods from the humanities and the social and natural sciences.

We invite the submission of 400 word abstracts (excluding title and references) for either an oral presentation (20 min presentation + 5 minute discussion) or poster (at a dedicated poster session), by uploading to the EasyChair website.
The abstracts can be related, though need not be restricted, to the following topics:
* Biological and cultural evolution of human cognitive specificity
* Cognitive linguistics and phenomenology
* Communication across cultural barriers
* Cross-species comparative semiotics
* Evolutionary perspectives on altruism
* Experimental semiotics
Iconicity in language and other semiotic resources
* Intersubjectivity and mimesis in evolution and development
* Multimodality
* Narrativity across different media
* Semantic typology and linguistic relativity
* Semiosis (sense-making) in social interaction
* Semiotic and cognitive development in children
* Sign use and cognition
* Signs, affordances, and other meanings
* Speech and gesture
* The comparative semiotics of iconicity and indexicality
* The evolution of language

Important dates
* Deadline for submission of theme sessions: 31 Dec 2013(past)
* Deadline for abstract submission (oral presentations, posters): 20 Feb 2014
* Notification of acceptance (oral presentations, posters): 1 April 2014
* Last date for early registration: 1 July 2014

Local organizing committee
* Mats Andrén
* Johan Blomberg
* Anna Redei Cabak
* Sara Lenninger
* Joel Parthemore
* Göran Sonesson
* Jordan Zlatev

Jordan Zlatev
Professor of General Linguistics
Lund University
Centre for Languages and Literature
Box 201
221 00 Lund, Sweden

Deputy research director of Centre for Cognitive Semiotics (CCS)

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