<BR>7th International Columbia School Conference
<BR>on the Interaction of
<BR>Linguistic Form and Meaning with Human Behavior
<BR>February 16-18, 2002
<BR>Columbia University
<BR>New York, New York
<BR>Invited Speakers:
<BR>Joan Bybee
<BR>University of New Mexico
<BR>Melissa Bowerman
<BR>Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
<BR>Alan Huffman
<BR>City University of New York
<BR>Papers are invited on any aspect of linguistic analysis in which the
<BR>postulation of meaningful signals plays a central role in explaining the
<BR>distribution of linguistic forms.
<BR>The Columbia School is a group of linguists developing the theoretical
<BR>framework originally established by the late William Diver. Language is seen
<BR>as a symbolic tool whose structure is shaped both by its communicative
<BR>function and by the characteristics of its human users. Grammatical analyses
<BR>account for the distribution of linguistic forms as an interaction between
<BR>linguistic meaning and pragmatic and functional factors such as inference,
<BR>ease of processing, and iconicity. Phonological analyses explain the
<BR>syntagmatic and paradigmatic distribution of phonological units within
<BR>signals, also drawing on both communicative function and human physiological
<BR>and psychological characteristics.
<BR>Please submit:
<BR>• 3 copies of a one-page anonymous abstract (optional second page for
<BR>references, examples, tables, etc.) to the address below.
<BR>• A 3x5 inch index card with the following information:
<BR> - Title of paper
<BR> - Author's name and affiliation
<BR> - Address, phone, e-mail, for notification
<BR>E-mailed abstracts should include all the above information, which will be
<BR>deleted before the abstracts are reviewed.
<BR>Address for hard-copy abstracts and other correspondence:
<BR>Professor Radmila Gorup
<BR>Department of Slavic Languages
<BR>Columbia University
<BR>New York, NY 10027
<BR>Address for e-mailed abstracts:
<BR>Professor Joseph Davis, City College of New York: jsphdvs@yahoo.com
<BR>The language of the conference is English. Papers delivered in languages
<BR>other than English will be considered.
<BR>* * * * * * * *
<BR>Sponsored by the Department of Slavic Languages
<BR>Columbia University
<BR>The support of
<BR>The Columbia School Linguistic Society
<BR>is gratefully acknowledged
<BR>* * * * * * * *
<BR>Selected Columbia School bibliography:
<BR>Contini-Morava, Ellen, and Barbara Sussman Goldberg. 1995. Meaning as
<BR>Explanation: Advances in Linguistic Sign Theory. Berlin: Mouton de
<BR>Gruyter. (Selections.)
<BR>Contini-Morava, Ellen, and Yishai Tobin. 2000. Between Grammar and Lexicon.
<BR> Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Selections.)
<BR>Huffman, Alan. 1997. The Categories of Grammar: French lui and le.
<BR>Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
<BR>Reid, Wallis. 1991. Verb and Noun Number in English: A Functional
<BR>Explanation. London: Longman.
<BR>Tobin, Yishai. 1997. Phonology as Human Behavior: Theoretical Implications
<BR>and Clinical Applications. Durham: Duke U Press.