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<p>Dear JW--
<p>Now we are talking. But, I think, about a different topic. In clause-chains
in discourse in an SVO language (like English), the <b>first</b> clause
in the chain is most typically fully marked with all the finite trimmings.
Most of the chain-medial clauses dispense with TAM marking, or use an invariant
(less finite) "narrative" marker that simply indicate "same as in the previous
clause". Sort of like zero anaphora (or anaphoric pronouns). [In OV languages
the tendency is to mark the <b>last</b> clause in the chain more fully.
But still chain-medial clauses tend to be less marked].
<p>In fact, you can show this in English too, but only up to a point. Notice
how the auxiliary TAM marker in English--just like the more-marked subject--do
not repeat chain-medially:
<p> a. She <b>was</b> sitting there, eating dinner and minding her
business, thinking deep thought....
<br> b. She <b>had</b> come earlier, looked around and decided
<br> c. She <b>will</b> come tomorrow, check the place out
and then make her move...
<p>In English (alas?) one cannot dump the more obligatory -ing (a) and
-en (b) in English. But in other languages clitic TAM morphology can be
dumped or neutralized. In Swahili almost all major TAM markers can
be replaced with the "narrative" -<b>ka</b>- in chain-medial clauses. But
in Akan, two of the main TAM markers cannot be dumped in chain-medial contexts.
The other two can be replaced with an invariant "narrative" marker, however.
The general principle is amazingly transparent (universal?), but the gory
little details exhibit a lot of language-specific (and construction-specific)
quirks. Ultimately, most of these quirks have cogent diachronic explanations,
altho in many cases the evidence is not available any more.
<p>Best, TG
<p>jaw300t wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Joan & Tom
<br>I guess I was not totally aware that "isolating" languages are slow
<br>grammaticalize. But Kuche is not an isolating language--it is
similar to
<br>Bantu, with a nearly identical noun class system and verbs that may
have as
<br>many as 4 or 5 prefixes. That is, if they should be called prefixes
when they
<br>are not obligatory. They are definitely phonologically bound
to the beginning
<br>of the verbs, but their order is not absolutely fixed (although generally
<br>predictable). Neither are they serial verbs--there's a distinct
<br>between the TAM prefixes and serial verbs. There are a few auxiliary
<br>constructions as well. Elicitation for various tenses/aspects/moods
<br>invariably brings out the overtly marked form, but those forms are
seldom used
<br>in discourse.
<p>But then, I guess that means that a transition to written literature
may not
<br>be the pressure that moves a language towards obligatory TAM markers
<br>Chinese has enjoyed written literature for centuries. JWilson
<br>>===== Original Message From Tom Givon <tgivon@OREGON.UOREGON.EDU>
<br>>Dear Joan,
<br>>Very nice discussion. A student of mine, Mark Post, is working on
<br>>between Thai and Mandarin Chinese. Superficially, they are supposedly
<br>>both with with serial-verb clauses of very similar type & functions.
<br>>serial construction (and others) in Mandarin grammaticalize copiously,
<br>Thai the
<br>>very same S-V constructions, using the very same lexical verbs (and
<br>performing the
<br>>samediscourse functions) somehow don't undrego the last phases of
<br>>grammaticalization. Mark is testing a hypothesis about lexical replacement
<br>>Mandarin, and the steady--indeed profuse--creation of compounds. In
<br>>apparently leads to repeating waves of obsolescence of simplex lexical
<br>>at least, the obsolescence of the old lexical senses of those verbs).
So that
<br>>the grammaticalized senses survive. Mark is doing comparative
<br>frequency-counts on
<br>>this, as one of his predictions, using Pear Story texts.
<br>>I am not sure this will explain the broader typological differences,
<br>>all so-called "isolating" languages (I've always dloathed the term...)
<br>>serial-verb languages (the only exception are true Plantation pidgins...).
<br>And I
<br>>think there are several factors that conspire against grammaticalization
<br>>typology. One factor that needs to be considered is the frequency
<br>>operator-operand adjacency. Serial-verb languages thend to have
a much lower
<br>>probability of this in general, particularly the adjacency of modal/aspectual
<br>>to their complement verbs. I discuss this in the GR chapter (#5) of
<br>>"Functionalism & Grammar" (1995), in terms of the two major typological
<br>>for clause-union.
<br>>One way or another, the explanations we are likely to discover, are
<br>likely to
<br>>involve multiple factors and their dynamic interaction(s). And what
we need
<br>>discover is not labels, but rather highly specific performance mechanisms
<br>>motivate diachronic change. If all we can say about "isolating languages"
<br>>grammaticalization is retarded there, we have not explained much,
yet. Best,
<br>>Joan Bybee wrote:
<br>>> Dear Janet,
<br>>> I have also worried about what makes a category become obligatory
in one
<br>>> language while a similar category may remain optional in another.
Based on
<br>>> Garcia and van Putte's discussion (1989, 'Forms are silver, nothing
<br>>> gold' Folia Linguistica Historica 8, 365-384) of the inferencing
<br>>> that lead to the infusion of meaning in zeroes, I have proposed
<br>>> different cultures utilize different inferencing strategies in interpreting
<br>>> discourse (in my paper in Bybee, Haiman and Thompson. 1997.
_Essays on
<br>>> Language Function and Language Type_ Benjamins). The absence of
<br>>> categories (say, in isolating languages) leaves all inferences open
<br>>> throughout a stretch of discourse. Obligatory categories close down
<br>>> options right away.
<br>>> Of course, it is also necessary for the overtly marked categories
to gain a
<br>>> certain level of frequency and redundancy before the inference can
be made
<br>>> that the zero signals the opposite of the overt member.
<br>>> Unfortunately I have found no way to test this hypothesis, as it
<br>>> difficult to know what inferences are being made in an ongoing discourse.
<br>>> However, if my hypothesis is correct, then it would suggest that
<br>>> strategies may be very stable over time explaining why languages
<br>>> inflection, that is, isolating languages, tend to stay isolating
over time,
<br>>> despite ongoing grammaticization. As we argued in Bybee, Perkins
<br>>> Pagliuca 1994, some languages simply do not carry grammaticization
as far
<br>>> as others do.
<br>>> Whether this is really a hypothesis or just a hunch, I hope you
find it
<br>>> stimulating.
<br>>> Joan Bybee
<br>>> At 09:15 AM 1/21/03 -0600, jaw300t wrote:
<br>>> >Colleagues,
<br>>> >For the past couple of years I've been following a certain unmarked
<br>>> >in Kuche (also known as Rukuba, listed in the Ethnologue as Che),
<br>>> >of Nigeria. I had the feeling it ought to be the simple present
<br>>> >elicitation sessions, informants never gave this form in response
to an
<br>>> >English simple present tense sentence, although in conversation
it would
<br>>> >be used that way. In discourse, it is the most common verb
form of all,
<br>>> >seldom used as a simple present tense verb; there are about 20
<br>>> >markings that can be used, but the unmarked form is used in many
<br>>> >than all the others combined.
<br>>> >
<br>>> >Fleischman's "Tense & Narrativity" and Bybee, Perkins, &
Pagliuca's "The
<br>>> >Evolution of Grammar" opened up some possible explanations.
But what
<br>>> >crystallized it for me was something in an earlier article by Bybee
<br>>> >Grammaticization of Zero" in a volume edited by Pagliuca).
She says,
<br>"When a
<br>>> >grammaticizing OVERT morpheme becomes obligatory, it may happen
that other
<br>>> >meanings within the same functional domain, which previously had
<br>>> >grammatical expression, come to be expressed by a meaningful zero."
<br>>> >
<br>>> >It seems Kuche is at a point in its history where overt tense/aspect
<br>>> >are NOT obligatory. What happens to the unmarked form, then,
is that it
<br>>> >NO SPECIFIC meaning--it means just about anything, depending on
<br>>> >Overt tense/aspect markers are used at the beginning of a discourse,
<br>>> >tense/aspect interpretations hold over long stretches of discourse.
<br>>> >much like Longacre's "consecutive" tense, except that this unmarked
<br>>> >remarkably flexible. It can even be used after an imperative
<br>>> >force--a second imperative verb would be even less marked, because
<br>>> >unmarked form IS marked for subject agreement, while the imperative
<br>>> >
<br>>> >I suppose Kuche is not unique among non-written languages in having
<br>>> >flexible, relatively unmarked form. I don't see them mentioned
in Bybee,
<br>>> >Perkins, & Pagliuca. Then, again, I suppose it's a matter
of degree--in
<br>>> >languages, the interpretation assigned to a zero-marked form might
be a
<br>>> >flexible, and in other languages, the interpretation of such a
form might
<br>>> >quite specific.
<br>>> >
<br>>> >What is it in a language community that causes OVERT TAM marking
to become
<br>>> >obligatory? Is it the transition to written literature?
Fleischman says
<br>>> >(quoting somebody else, if I remember correctly), that "The meaning
<br>>> >literature is in the text; the meaning of oral literature is in
<br>>> >
<br>>> >Janet Wilson
<br>>> Joan Bybee jbybee@unm.edu
phone: 505-277-3827
<br>>> Department of Linguistics
fax: 505-277-6355
<br>>> Humanities 526
<br>>> University of New Mexico
<br>>> Albuquerque, NM 87131-1196</blockquote>