Advisory Council, again

Sun Dec 5 20:18:59 UTC 1999

Hi all,  I know it's the end of the term for many people, and the papers are
piling up.  Since I'm in that situation too, I'm posting something brief.
I'd like to argue for having representatives on the advisory council be more
'issue oriented.'  Because these positions will be voted upon, I think that
we can leave it up to the membership to decide if one of those people who is
(self?) nominated does not adequately represent the issues that are
associated with a particular 'identity.'  I agree that it would be silly for
a full-professor to run as undergrad or grad representative, but I think
that 'common sense' and a majority vote would keep such a thing from
happening for any of the categories.

Secondly, I think it's important to have someone representing feminist
issues at this point in time considering that it feminism appears to a 1)
highly contestable category on this list, 2)  there is some reluctance to
bring it up. 3) it is the basis and goal of much of the research.

Since we aren't going to pretend to be apolitical by not having membership
categories, let's go the whole nine yards by including feminism.


Dr. Sara Trechter
Asst. Professor Linguistics/English
CSU, Chico
Chico, CA 95929-0830
(530) 898-5447 (office)
(530) 898-4450 (fax)

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