Advisory Council, again

Miriam Meyerhoff mhoff at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Dec 7 23:43:53 UTC 1999

Following Sara and Mary's postings re. ear-marking certain slots/positions
on the advisory council for people representing specific qualities or

I didn't much like the idea of having every person wanting to stand having
to squeeze themself into some kind of mould. But I was also sympathetic to
what I assumed was the idea behind it in the first place. Namely, not
wanting to wake up in five years or ten years or whatever and find that
IGALA had turned into an off-shoot of the LSA (or AILA or one university or
whatever). I remember that there was a good deal of controversy and
discussion about the interest groups that might be represented in practice,
but I didn't necessarily recall there having been a big movement against
ear-marking positions in principle.
        If we leave positions on the council underspecified (and hope that
the selection process will ensure the desired diversity), could we perhaps
try and put in some review or appeal mechanism?
        Just a thought, open for discussion. I can hardly believe I am
suggesting another potential layer of bureaucracy, and would hope that
there's some less formal way of satisfying this desire.


Miriam Meyerhoff
Asst. Prof., Department of Linguistics
1890 East-West Rd
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822

ph:  (808) 956-3236
fax: (808) 956-9166

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