What if ?/On being creative

Caitlin Hines chines at BMW.AUTOBAHN.ORG
Sat Feb 27 22:02:14 UTC 1999

Although I'd anticipated I'd lurk quietly for awhile, I'm inspired by
Janet Bing's suggestion (below) to break my silence.  As a grad student
forever seeking mentoring, I would've *loved* the sort of prize she
describes - anything to force me to work more closely w/ those who'd
cleared the next hurdle, and actually HAD JOBS (as it happens, I'm ill and
not in school right now, but the same principle applies).  BTW, while I'm
putting my 2 cents in, let me add that I hope GALA doesn't turn into a
group like OSCLG, as some have suggested; the journal Women & Lg. sounds
like a great idea, but I found, for ex., Lg. & Society much more helpful
when writing my thesis (on m4s about women).  I find the bureaucrary of
OSCLG a poor model.  Surely us creative gals (& guys) can learn as we go!


On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, JANET BING wrote:

> Re: What happens after 6 months?
> What if. . . instead of having GALA become an imitation of many
> other professional organizations, it became an organization in which
> cooperation rather than competition were the norm? For example,
> instead of offering a prize for the best paper  (something that
> rewards competition and individualism) there would be a prize for the
> best collaboration between an established scholar and a student or
> independent scholar (something which rewards collaboration and
> mentoring)?
> Janet Bing
> Dept. of English
> Old Dominion University
> Norfolk, VA 23529-0078
> (757) 683-4030
> FAX (757) 683-3241

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