Call for a vote

M. J. Hardman hardman at UFL.EDU
Wed Mar 10 20:40:16 UTC 1999

>Earlier this week, Sara T reposted the agenda for discussion for the next
>six months or so, and asked for any discussion members felt was necessary
>before moving to a vote on Agenda Item 1a.  What follows is a summary of
>the discussion we've had so far on Agenda Item 1a (mainly based on Sara's
>earlier summary, and comments in the few postings we've had this week,
>which are compatible with Sara's summary), and a call for a vote. Please
>record your vote in the space provided at the bottom of this message and
>return it to Megan C. by Friday.  During the voting process, we will go
>on to discuss the next agenda item, 1b (see the following message).
>1. Philosophy/Nature/Principles of GALA
>a. What will happen when the six months are over? How (generally speaking)
>will the issues proposed in this discussion be implemented?
>I.  We keep the email list.
>II.  We disseminate information through the regular mail, possibly in the
>form of a newsletter.
>I.  Plan 1.
>- When the discussion ends in six months, we call for nominations for a
>temporary executive committee with a one-year term of office
>- We hold an online election.
>- The committee takes the principles that emerged during the discussion
>and drafts by-laws for the organization, sets up an institutional
>structure (non-profit status and the like), and otherwise gets things
>- As its last duty, the committee organizes an executive committee or
>whatever form of officers we (the list) decide we want.
>II.  Plan 2.  Same as Plan 1, but we consider the formulation committee to
>be the first exec. committee.
>III.  Plan 3.  Same as Plan 1, but we consider diversity (geographical and
>otherwise) as we talk about the scope (international) of the organization.
>IV.  Plan 4.  Same as Plan 2, modified by including Plan 3. Thus:
>- When the discussion ends in six months, we call for nominations for the
>first executive committee with a one-year term of office.
>- We hold an online election.
>- The committee takes the principles that emerged during the discussion
>and drafts by-laws for the organization, sets up an institutional
>structure (non-profit status and the like), and otherwise gets things
>- We commit to considering diversity (geographical and otherwise) as we
>talk about the scope (international) of the organization.
>I.  Proposal 1.  Structure and implementation should emerge out of each
>agenda item.
>II. Proposal 2.  Structure might emerge out of looking at another
>organization such as OCSLG
>III. Proposal 3.  Both 1 and 2; that is, Structure and implementation
>should emerge from the membership's discussion of each agenda item as it
>arises, *and* by looking at the structures of other organizations.
>PROPOSAL A.  Vote YES or NO on each of the following. (NOTE: The two
>options are not mutually exclusive; you may vote YES on both.)
>1. We will keep the email list operative after the six months of
>discussion have ended.


>2.  We will disseminate information through mail in a newsletter.

No -- information can be given on email & those who wish can convert it
to paper
>PROPOSAL B.  Vote YES or NO on Plan 4 (the most comprehensive plan). If
>Plan 4 is rejected, we will vote on the other plans.

I'd like to see where we are in 6 months.
>PROPOSAL C.  Vote YES or No  on Proposal 3 (the most comprehensive
>proposal). If it is rejected, we will vote on the other proposals.

>(Please return votes to mjcrowhu at by Thursday.)
>Megan J. Crowhurst, Ph.D.		Tel:  919-962-1484
>Department of Linguistics		Fax:  919-962-3708
>The University of North Carolina	
>318 Dey Hall 014A, CB # 3155		
>Chapel Hill, NC  27599			

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