Let's get on with it

Barbara Horvath bhorvath at MAIL.USYD.EDU.AU
Mon May 3 15:43:31 UTC 1999

I just joined the list last week because I was very excited to join in on
discussions of language and gender.  But having read  a whole bunch of
contributions, I see that we are only talking about what we'll be talking
about!  I say let's give it a go - let's start talking about some issues
and see what kind of people join in - linguists, anthropologists, gays,
feminists, whatever.  When we see a core group emerging, we'll know what
kind of group it is and it will be easier to deal with the questions.
Those who want a feminist group can then feel OK about breaking off and
doing that.

Barbara M. Horvath
Honorary Research Associate
Department of Linguistics
University of Sydney
Sydney 2006 NSW

Home Address:

P.O.Box 208
Glebe 2037 NSW

Tel: 61-02-9660-4764

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