VOTE: prog. committee for first IGALA conference

Megan Crowhurst mcrowhurst at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Fri Sep 24 15:31:05 UTC 1999

Penny Eckert and others at Stanford have been hard at work in getting the
first IGALA conference under way. They've made a lot of progress, but
they're at the point where they need an advisory program committee to give
some assistance. However, we as an organization are not yet at the point of
nominating and electing officers and committee members (although we'll be
beginning that process soon).

In light of the urgent need to assemble such a committee, Penny has asked
that IGALA authorize a one-time waiver of the nomination and election
process and instead vote to authorize an appointed slate, which she
(Penny) has put together. These committee members will serve *for
this conference only*; the program committee for the next conference
will be selected via nomination and election.

The facilitators agree that this one-time exception to the procedures is
necessary, if approved by the membership. We therefore ask you to vote to
approve or reject the following slate for the program committee. Please
send your votes (for 1 or 2) to me (mcrowhurst at by
Monday, Sept. 27.

1. I approve of the appointment of the following individuals to the IGALA
2000 Program Committee (proposed by Penny Eckert):

Deborah Cameron (Strathclyde University)
Janet Holmes (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Sara Trechter (California State University, Chico)
Kathryn Woolard (University of California, San Diego)

2. I reject the appointment of the committee slate.
Megan Crowhurst, PhD			Phone: 512-471-1701
Department of Linguistics		Fax:   512-471-4340
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX  78712-1196

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