NEW BOOK: "Talking Gender and Sexuality"

Paul McIlvenny paul at SPROG.AUC.DK
Thu Jun 27 13:16:46 UTC 2002

Sorry for X-posting.

A hint for summer reading for some members of this list...

NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: "Talking Gender and Sexuality"
Edited by Paul McIlvenny, Aalborg University
Just published by John Benjamins

This edited volume brings together scholars from psychology, linguistics,
sociology and communication science to investigate how performative
notions of gender and sexuality can be fruitfully explored with the rich
set of tools that have been developed by conversation analysis and
discursive psychology for analyzing everyday practical language use,
agency and identity in talk. Contributors re-examine the foundations of
earlier research on gender in spoken interaction, critically appraise this
research to see if and how it 'translates' successfully into the study of
sexuality in talk, and promote innovative alternatives that integrate the
insights of recent feminist and queer theory with qualitative studies of
talk and conversation. Detailed empirical analyses of naturally occurring
talk are used to uncover how gender and sexual identities, agencies and
desires are contingently accomplished in conversational practices.
Collectively, they pose the important question of what a critical theory
of talk, gender and sexuality ought to look like if it is to be sensitive
to a politics of conversation analysis.

Contributions by: Paul McIlvenny; Celia Kitzinger; Elizabeth Stokoe &
Janet Smithson; Susan Speer & Jonathan Potter; Liisa Tainio; Sigurd
D'hondt; Andrew Fish; Alexa Hepburn; Jenny Sundén.

John Benjamins: Amsterdam/Philadelphia
Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 94
2002. Hb x, 316 pp. + index
90 272 5114 2 EUR 88.00
1 58811 173 3 USD 79.00


Introduction: Researching Talk, Gender & Sexuality
  Paul McIlvenny

Doing Feminist Conversation Analysis
  Celia Kitzinger

Gender and Sexuality in Talk-in-Interaction: Considering Conversation
Analytic Perspectives
  Elizabeth Stokoe & Janet Smithson

Critical Reflections on Performativity and the 'Un/Doing' of Gender and
Sexuality in Talk
  Paul McIlvenny

>>From Performatives to Practices: Judith Butler, Discursive Psychology and
the Management of Heterosexist Talk
  Susan Speer & Jonathan Potter

Negotiating Gender Identities and Sexual Agency in Elderly Couples' Talk
  Liisa Tainio

Framing Gender: Incongruous Gendered Identities in Dar es Salaam
Adolescents' Talk
  Sigurd D'hondt

The Repressed on Parole: Gender Categorisation, Performativity and the
Unsaid in Talkin' Dirty Jokes
  Andrew Fish

Figuring Gender in Teachers' Talk about School Bullying
  Alexa Hepburn

'I'm still not sure she's a she': Textual Talk and Typed Bodies in Online
  Jenny Sundén


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