AW: seeking references on being ignored

Susan Ervin-Tripp ervintrp at SOCRATES.BERKELEY.EDU
Mon Sep 2 05:23:28 UTC 2002

I remember this issue coming up at a conference, and one of the problems was
that the men were older, more senior, so that gender and rank were confounded.
So here we are again, is it power or gender.

Also cultural differences. One can't assume the same things happen
everywhere, as
we found with gender differences in child interaction in Kyratzis'
ROLSI issue in 2001.

That means we have to do research in all the places were there might be
a difference for instance in which gender is listened to about what topics.
What happens to male secretaries and male nurses in professional talk with
female colleagues?

Is appropriating a female contribution without attribution like the
well-known phenomenon
in citations that the rich get richer, i.e. people accrue fame by
citing the most famous,
even if the idea originated somewhere else?

Susan Ervin-Tripp

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