New book on Polari

Baker, Paul j.p.baker at LANCASTER.AC.UK
Sat Sep 7 10:21:11 UTC 2002

For those teaching courses on language and sexuality, or people with an
interest in Polari - the old UK-based variety of language used by gay
men, lesbians, female impersonators and theatre people, the following
recently published book might be of interest:

Polari - The Lost Language of Gay Men, by Paul Baker, published by
Routledge in 2002. Hardback, 215 pages. ISBN 0-415-26180-5

Go to for more
information on Polari and to download a form to order this book from
Routledge. Or alternatively, telephone Routledge's Cusomter Hotline on 01264
343071 if calling from the UK (or 441264 343071 if calling from outside the
UK). You can also buy the book from Amazon but delivery might take a little


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