forward: manipulation of grammatical gender

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Mon Feb 9 17:44:44 UTC 2004

>I'm forwarding this message for the grammatical gender thread on
>behalf of Antje Hornscheidt; please don't reply to me.
>In addition to that I would recommend
>For the Scandinavian context, Gert Brantenbergs novel Egalias dötre is
>probably the most prominent example of gender play, including grammatical

Just a note to those interested:  this exists in an English
translation as _The Daughters of Egalia_.  I recommend it too.  It's
a lot of fun.

_The daughters of Egalia_, by Gerd Brantenberg; translated from
Norwegian by Louis Mackay in co-operation with Gerd Brantenberg.
Published: London; West Nyack, NY: Journeyman, 1985.

If you read it, you'll quickly see why it was useful to have the
author's input on the translation.


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