language and gender teaching resources

Emma Moore e.f.moore at NTLWORLD.COM
Fri Mar 26 16:22:35 UTC 2004

Dear all,

I've been invited to submit a bid to the university library to acquire resources for the Language and Gender course I'm putting together. I'm going to be asking for the usual books etc., but I wondered if anyone could recommend any additional resources that they have found helpful in their teaching. In particular, I think it might be helpful to have some corpora for students to use but am unsure (a) what (if anything) is available and (b) how practical it is for students to use such a resource. Can anyone advise on teaching resources?

Many thanks,

Emma Moore
Lecturer in Sociolinguistics
Department of English Language and Linguistics
University of Sheffield

Phone: +44 (0)114 222 0232
Fax: +44 (0)114 276 8251
E-mail: e.moore at

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